Hi Tom,
I tried to improve the NAS-Installation a little bit:
How to install
0. Check if your NAS has the most actual firmware-version. If a new version is announced when opening the admin GUI follow the instructions by first restarting your NAS and then installing the new version.
- Download the QPKG from the releases section here on GitHub to your PC and remember the place you saved it.
- –--* Is this point really still necessary? I simply manually installed the QPKG and it worked fine, Should other methods be supported with the final version?
- Check if you already have an installed App called JRE (for x86-CPU based NAS) or “JRE_ARM” (for ARM-CPU based NAS) under “My Apps”. If not, go to the “Developer-Tools” section of the App Center, install the appropriate version (you will not see the wrong Version for your NAS there) and wait for a while until the Java installation has finished.
- Open the “Install manually” dialog in the App Center by clicking the gear-wheel on the upper-right corner of the App Center and choose the qpkg from the place you have downloaded it to.
- Confirm the installation
- Wait while the package is being installed
- When finished just close the dialog and wait for a while until openHAB has completly started. This may last several minutes.
- Access openHAB from your favorite browser via http://<NAS_IP_or_DNS-Name>:8090. If the interface does not start, retry after another minute. The initial startup takes some time.
How to uninstall
0. If you want to keep configuration files, copy them to a save place outside of the openhab-path.
- Go to the “App Center” and remove the app like any other. REMEMBER: All files get removed directly!
With the other linked subjects I am not sure what I could do there exactly.