Inverted Switches when item is in two groups

Hi Tom,

I tried to improve the NAS-Installation a little bit:

How to install
0. Check if your NAS has the most actual firmware-version. If a new version is announced when opening the admin GUI follow the instructions by first restarting your NAS and then installing the new version.

  1. Download the QPKG from the releases section here on GitHub to your PC and remember the place you saved it.
  2. --* Is this point really still necessary? I simply manually installed the QPKG and it worked fine, Should other methods be supported with the final version?
  3. Check if you already have an installed App called JRE (for x86-CPU based NAS) or “JRE_ARM” (for ARM-CPU based NAS) under “My Apps”. If not, go to the “Developer-Tools” section of the App Center, install the appropriate version (you will not see the wrong Version for your NAS there) and wait for a while until the Java installation has finished.
  4. Open the “Install manually” dialog in the App Center by clicking the gear-wheel on the upper-right corner of the App Center and choose the qpkg from the place you have downloaded it to.
  5. Confirm the installation
  6. Wait while the package is being installed
  7. When finished just close the dialog and wait for a while until openHAB has completly started. This may last several minutes.
  8. Access openHAB from your favorite browser via http://<NAS_IP_or_DNS-Name>:8090. If the interface does not start, retry after another minute. The initial startup takes some time.

How to uninstall
0. If you want to keep configuration files, copy them to a save place outside of the openhab-path.

  1. Go to the “App Center” and remove the app like any other. REMEMBER: All files get removed directly!

With the other linked subjects I am not sure what I could do there exactly.