IpCamera Binding for Lupus LE202

Hi there, I’m a bit lost - the following code is running in the browser and other software, but how do I implement it in the binding?



RTSP Stream:


MJPEG Stream:


Thanks for your help in advance,
best wishes,


The binding does not need the USERNAME:PASSWORD@ in the urls, although it should handle it if you do. Best to remove those so that the password is only in 1 place for when you change the password it is then quicker to update it.

It should be very easy to get it going, just add a generic camera and add those URLS in the feilds for them. If you’re having issues try looking at the DEBUG or TRACE level logs, how to do that is written at the very top of the ipcamera documentation.

Thanks for the quick reply.

That is how I understood the input fields…

Put your RTSP url into the FFmpeg Input field.
Snapshot url you have one, so get rid of the ffmpeg entry and put it in there.
Remove the RTSP from the mjpeg url and replace it with your mjpeg url.


Try restarting, if not running then take some TRACE level trace as already mentioned in previous post.

Thanks a lot for pushing me into the right direction - the entries above, and IP Camera - Bindings | openHAB did the trick after rebooting.