Thanks for the script @Maurits28 . This helped me out a lot and improved my presence, I’m using a modified version, posting data using MQTT. Basically I have followed @rlkoshak presence guide: Fine tuning of wifi presence detection
Thought I would share it in case someone is looking to modify in a similar manner
Some differences
- Loop to be able to do presence for multiple devices, I run this on a standalone Linux Server
- I only flush the arp table for the device I’m looking for (not all, since my server have a lot of arp entries)
- I look the MAC-address up, you only need to know the IP, which could be good and bad, this solution might not be as robust
- I only arp the specified device, probably not an issue to do arp -an for all.
- Relaying on mosquitto_pub to publish messages, which is a bit hard coded.
#Enter your ip of the devices here, separator space
MQTT_SERVER="some ip"
for i in `echo $DEVICES`; do
# Change dev and eth1 if needed
ip neigh flush dev eth1 $i
hping3 -2 -c 10 -p 5353 -i u1 $i -q >/dev/null 2>&1
sleep 1
# Only arp specific device, grep for a mac-address
status=`arp -an $i | awk '{print $4}' | grep "..:..:..:..:..:.."`
#A mac will be 17 characters including the ":"
if [ ${#status} -eq 17 ]; then
echo "Phone $i is detected!"
echo "Phone $i is not present"
if [ $i == "" ]; then
mosquitto_pub -h $MQTT_SERVER -m $statusMessage -t presence_sensors/network/person1 -q 1
echo "Pub: $statusMessage -t presence_sensors/network/person1 -q 1"
if [ $i == "" ]; then
mosquitto_pub -h $MQTT_SERVER -m $statusMessage -t presence_sensors/network/person2 -q 1
echo "Pub: $statusMessage -t presence_sensors/network/person2 -q 1"