Is google asistant integration no longer maintained?

yes I know,In this case, just say, “we do not have the time” and gave keys someone else who can develop, rather than saying, I look and finally do nothing :slight_smile: No ? I like openhab, really, but I like also good communication :slight_smile:

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There are still threads not beeing commented/answer in anyway. (I as well as others have posted issues about the heating mode troubble on the Nest Hub not working, but working fine using the Google Home app). Its quite frustrating when there simple isnt any respons at all. Maybe this isnt a openhab issue at all. But without any answers, no one knows.

Ofcouse we are aware of this. I believe this is why Gytis raise this problem.
This is the most important problem to try to handle in an open source project maintained by volunteers.
When an serious feature seems to be abandonded its important to place a focuse on the matter and try get someone else to continue. We cant know if Marzima have abandonded the integration. But when things arent moving in development, we´ll have to assume he has. And then try someone to catch it and continue.

In my opinion it is a highly serious matter, cause I believe the integration of voice control (wether it beeing Google, Alexa are anything else) is highly important for a smarthome system.

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Absolutely agree.
Such an important feature cannot be left in the hands of one single volunteer : he may become unavailable, may have not enough time or enough motivation anymore.
Here we are not talking about a small bug for a binding with limited audience , but one of the 2 main voice interfaces for the whole openHAB ecosystem.
I know many people are choosing OH2 and not other because it allows (free) integration with Alexa and Google Assistant.
Moreover in this case is not just a matter of maintaining the code (something that has been done by other volunteers but their PR has not been processed since months), but also updating the new code to the myopenhab cloud which no single contributing github volunteer developer can do.
So as a volunteer I may fix/improve the code on github, make a PR request, run the improved code on own my instance, but users with regular myopenhab will not benefit of my improvements until the single maintainer accepts the PR and deploys it on the cloud.

Hi think @ maintainers should give an indication of what is going on with Google Assistant support in OH2 so that people can decide wether to look to other systems or not.


we need a concrete answer from @MARZIMA ,and open the cloud and google assistant to other developers

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It is all on github, so feel free to contribute.

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Let’s just not get into blame ping-pong here. I think every contributor went into this with best intentions, and then simply life happened. And it’s perfectly normal.

And I also don’t think that anyone should feel entitled to anything - answers to questions, support requests, or changes and bug fixes. I think nothing puts maintainers off than this attitude of entitlement in the community…

Regarding ‘It is all on github, so feel free to contribute.’. Yes it is, but no one is looking at that repo… there are simple one-line PR’s with no comments, merges or rejects, one of them since August. So it’s not inviting to contribute, if you’ll spend your time adding features or fixing bugs, but no one is going to get a look at it :slight_smile:

The last thing I wanted with this thread is to cause a flame and blame game, but it seems that I have not succeeded in that.

Anyhow, I’ve started my own implementation based on item metadata, if life will not happen, it should be a pretty good self hosted solution. Peace.


Very good @gytisgreitai !!
We can help in case you decide to make it available for other to test (we suggested in the past if a beta cloud instance for google assistant could be used for testing with some users new traits and bug fixes, but maybe this is not possible?)
When finished, will you post a PR ? so that maintainers can do something with it, hopefully.

@Stbowling throw’s water balloons on everyone :bomb: uh wait… that’s not a balloon :thinking:
Never expect anything and always be thankful for any support these here fine folks are willing to provide on a volunteer basis. For what they do for free here most probably could retired if they were making what they deserve. And remember… "We are OpenHAB Strong :muscle: "


I agree to all you said! My statemwnt was more toward the second aet of the sentence, which I quoted.

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Those PRs you refer to are updates to the documentation but as you can see, they have failed the travis test and the authors did not check or comment why they failed.
What should mainainters do in these cases, what do you think ?

Well for example this looks like a good example Corrected filename in by paul-pearce · Pull Request #410 · google-home/smart-home-nodejs · GitHub what might actually work. Again, I don’t want to play ping pong blame here.

It is not about blaming, but what do you want to tell us with that link you posted?
Like with any other openHAB binding, if the original author, for whatever reason, does not find time for adding features, and no other developer/contributor steps up, there will be no additional features.
Its simply the same for openHAB 1.x Bindings not being moved to a native openHAB 2.x version. Voluntary developers are free to chose what they are working on, nobody can force them what to do.

Your question What should mainainters do in these cases, what do you think ? so to answer that, I think that they could simply point out, just like Fleker in my example ok, looks good, jus do the sign off

And it’s fine to not have time to continue development. Just afaik that in this case it would be nice to create issue/add to the readme ‘no longer maintained, help wanted’. I mean to me it’s unclear if someone wants to take over or to help what are the steps ? Are there procedures who can merge, etc. Therefore this thread.

Ok, understand your example.
Regarding your second question, anybody can contribute code to the different repos. Except Z-Wave and Zigbee Binding, the maintainer group are the only ones to merge or reject PRs, whereas anybody can comment on a PR.

I have checked the repo and both PRs could have been merged due to the small patch exception policy.
I don’t think that anyone has looked at them already.

This is the same problem we hav in other repos too.
Only a few (or in this case 1) selected maintainters, which seem to be very busy those days.
It’s opensource and we have to deal with that of course.
Anyway it could be named as a “problem”.

And one step further:
Even if we find one to help out in this repo ther is still no shared knowledge about pushing an update to google.
This is something that should be shared/clarified too, to a wider audience.


When things stops in developement, “someone” needs to put it into focus. Otherweise this will become a big problem for the open source project.
This time Gytis, (a user), did that.

I have to be honest with you. I know what I´m about to say it may not be a popular opinion, but it´s how it is. I simply cant help telling my opinion when things like these appears.

In my opinion, its a task for the board of the foundation to put any kind of problem (which can/will hurt the goal of the project/openhab) into focus. That beeing lack of developement and/or missing propoganda for openhab or anything else.
The foundation is in charge of placing the strategy for openhab as well. Ie, where to go, and how to get there.

This doesnt mean the foundation has to solve all problems themselves. But they need to put it into focus and try to deal with it, like trying to get new/more developers, as well as maintainers to continue where others left, just as well as telling/showing the rest of the world about openhab.

Thats my basic opinion.

It doesnt mean anyone else (developers, maintainers and users) who care for the project shouldnt take this into consideration as well. We all should. But we have to be clear on this rather specific matter. First of all, its the foundation. If/when the foundation doesnt, it will fall apart one way or another.


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You completely misunderstood the foundations role. It has absolutely no influence on development matters. The foundations goal is customerism and customer safety. Like I wrote in several other topics, it is an informational goal only.

That may be the problem (my problem) in a nutshell. I simply fail to understand how a foundation with a rather specific interest in a specific free software would have no influence in its development, yet providing services and hosting for openHAB.

On the foundation site, it says the foundation focus on openHAB.
Albout the foundation:
" The openHAB Foundation e.V. is a registered non-profit organisation. Its purpose is to educate the public about the possibilities that Free software offers in the domain of smart homes."

I believe its quite close to impossible to educate about something which isn´t exsisting. And it´ll be a true suicide to educate in something which isn´t developing, specially regarding smarthome systems.

The foundation need openHAB continuing developing.

Sorry but this goes a bit off topic now.

And I will be honest too here.
The foundation role has been stated many times in this forum and it was always stated, that development is not included in the foundation tasks.

So my impression is more that you are of course able to understand this, but don’t want to accept the foundations decision on this.
This may be your opinion and it also may be worth a discussion.
But as said above, this is nothing special for the google assistant integration and is more and more becoming a talk between you and hmerk.
So this is a bit of the wrong place now.

What we should reach in this thread should be a statement from @MARZIMA on how the maintenance state is and gather some more information of how the google assistant app is published and how we can spread the knowledge and improve the process of development for this integration.

Maybe @Kai could give us some input here too.

Anyways. I see some people here, who want to improve something, so we should do our best to help them get this done.


I truely dont understand the role of the foundation 100%, when you say it has no influence on the development.
You have to understand, I look at this from another perspective. How can a foundation exsist without any influence in what the foundation is based upon. The foundation need the development. So how come it has no influence… It really makes very little sense to me…

You´re right, this is probably not the correct place to discuss this role of the foundation. But I have no idea where a better place is then. And in this case, GA integration just became an example cause I believe its highly important.

This is exactly my point here.
Yoy say “we should”. I say “someone” should. The same “someone” should be here in all developing matters, (at least the important ones). This “someone” should be a specific part of the organisation, (which I believe suits best in the foundation. But thats what your saying it doesnt, which I have to accept ofcouse).
Without this “someone”, there is a rather important missing link in the whole structure, which is highly needed specially in opensource projects.

Its a bit of a paradox - Dealing with automation and smarthome system we´re learning to ask ourselves, "what if… ". But nobody seems to ask the same regarding continuing development, as far as I understand. At least noone is organised in the organisation to take care of that (or trying to).

But “what if” Marzima do have abandonded the GA integration/openhab. Then what? Was his work important for openHAB´s exsistense? Should there be someone here to deal with it?
Questions like that seems to be lacking in interest.

In an ideal world, there would be a team of developers ready to continue. But thats often not the case in opensource matters, not unless someone has build/created that team, (or tried to) and taken care of whatever developing issues that may appear.
Thats what seems to be missing here. (Correct me if I´m wrong). And thats the issue I´m concerned about. And what I truely believed was part of the foundation role.

I´m not saying this is easy, and maybe not even possible at all. I do know the game play of opensource. I dont blame anyone who have tried. But I´m getting rather concerned when reading, there doesnt seem to be anyone out there trying at all.

Exactly :+1: What that attitude, you´re already taking part of the missing link I´m concerned about.