I want buy a robotic vacuum cleaner, but I’m not able make so complex widget as original application. So question is, if it’s possible call a original application from the widget. My plan is make a widget where is status visible and click on the widget will call a original application. Is it possible ?
A widget is a component in the user interface that never calls a device directly. All interactions are done through the openHAB server. The question is what you refer as the “original application” and how one could interact with that application. The common way is to control the device via an open API. Therefore openHAB provides a specific binding that allows you to control your device (aka THING). Which vacuum cleaner do you want to control and did you check if it is already supported by openHAB?
It might be possible when using tasker on an android device or shortcuts on iOS.
On android devices (iOS has the same thing, but I’m less familiar with it), if you know the app uri you can open the app just using the url actoin of any component that has actions enabled. For example, when open on an android device, my sonos widget displays a link which will directly open the sonos app:
- component: oh-link
iconF7: arrowshape_turn_up_right
action: url
actionUrl: sonos://
visible: =device.android
If the app has enabled deeper activities via the uri (which most should) you can even go directly to a specific page or setting if you want to.