Is it possible to force a LUX sensor to update?

Because of the device you’re using, I think there is a much simpler way to achieve this. Your device has a LOT of configuration parameters for tuning it, so you shouldn’t need to use a timer, the Expire binding, or persistence. If you are using the default settings, it looks like you would want to set parameter 6 to 50 (default 30s + 20s). Also, setting parameter 8 to 2 will allow the motion sensor to only trigger during the night, and setting parameter 9 to 60 should set the lux level for the day/night transition. You’ll probably also want to take Markus’ advice and adjust parameter 40 for the lux reports too. Your rule would then collapse to a simple:

rule “Landing Motion”
    Item land_motion changed
    logInfo(loglight, “Landing Light switch {}”,land_motion.state.toString)

But there’s actually no reason to use a rule at all, because the information used is already in the device! Just add the node ID of the light switch to Association Group 2 or 4 (in the motion sensor), depending on it’s capabilities, and the motion sensor will send the ON/OFF directly to the light. Once setup, you wouldn’t even need OH running or your ZWave controller plugged in for the light to turn on with motion. The time between motion detection and the light turning on will also be quicker than going through a controller.

I like your device… but that eye ball creeps me out! :ghost:

Actually, if you send the command RefreshType.REFRESH to an item, the ZWave binding will request the current value from the device.