[SOLVED] Is KNX2 binding broken in OH 2.4?

I configured my system in knx2, but after a few hours of operation, the thing linked to the interface goes into an ‘unknowed’ state. I also tried the manual restart of the binding and sometimes it starts again, while others don’t …

this is my thing file:

Bridge	knx:ip:KNX_IpInterface "KNX [INT] SCN-IP000.02 IP Interface" @ "KNX" [
	localSourceAddr="0.0.0" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_3 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.3 (Switches zona giorno)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.3", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FarettiSala1            "KNX [APP] Faretti sala 1"          [ ga="0/0/1+<0/1/1" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FarettiSala2            "KNX [APP] Faretti sala 2"          [ ga="0/0/2+<0/1/2" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FarettiIngresso         "KNX [APP] Faretti ingresso"        [ ga="0/0/3+<0/1/3" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FarettiCucina1          "KNX [APP] Faretti cucina 1"        [ ga="0/0/4+<0/1/4" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FarettiCucina2          "KNX [APP] Faretti cucina 2"        [ ga="0/0/5+<0/1/5" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FarettiMobiliCucina     "KNX [APP] Faretti mobili cucina"   [ ga="0/0/6+<0/1/6" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FarettiSoggiorno        "KNX [APP] Faretti soggiorno"       [ ga="0/0/10+<0/1/10" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_LampadaTerrazzaSala     "KNX [APP] Lampada terrazza sala"   [ ga="0/0/7+<0/1/7" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FarettoLocaleTecnico    "KNX [APP] Faretti locale tecnico"  [ ga="0/0/8+<0/1/8" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FarettiVeranda          "KNX [APP] Faretti veranda"         [ ga="0/0/9+<0/1/9" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_COM_FilodiffusioneOnOff     "KNX [COM] Filodiffusione ON/OFF"   [ ga="5/0/200+<5/1/200" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_AspiratoreLavanderia    "KNX [APP] Aspiratore Lavanderia"   [ ga="8/0/1+<8/1/1" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_COM_ElettrovalvolaAcqua     "KNX [COM] Elettrovalvola Acqua"    [ ga="8/0/0+<8/1/0" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_ProiettoreCamera        "KNX [APP] Proiettore Camera"       [ ga="6/0/0+<6/1/0" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_COM_PcLinux                 "KNX [COM] PC Linux"                [ ga="8/0/3+<8/1/3" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_Campanello              "KNX [APP] Campanello"              [ ga="8/0/2+<8/1/2" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_4 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.4 (Switches Monolocale)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.4", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_MON_FarettiIngresso         "KNX [MON] Faretti ingresso"    [ ga="0/0/100+<0/1/100" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_MON_SpecchioBagno           "KNX [MON] Specchio Bagno"      [ ga="0/0/101+<0/1/101" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_MON_FarettiBagno            "KNX [MON] Faretti Bagno"       [ ga="0/0/102+<0/1/102" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_MON_LampadaTerrazza         "KNX [MON] Lampada Terrazza"    [ ga="0/0/105+<0/1/105" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_MON_FarettiSoggiorno        "KNX [MON] Faretti Soggiorno"   [ ga="0/0/103+<0/1/103" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_MON_FarettiCucina           "KNX [MON] Faretti Cucina"      [ ga="0/0/104+<0/1/104" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_5 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.5 (Tapparelle Appartamento)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.5", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type   rollershutter   :       KNX_APP_TapparellaPortaFinestraSala              "KNX [APP] Tapparella Porta Finestra Sala"          [ upDown="1/0/0", stopMove="1/0/1", position="5.001:1/1/1+<1/1/0" ]
                        Type   rollershutter   :       KNX_APP_TapparellaFinestraSala                   "KNX [APP] Tapparella Finestra Sala"                [ upDown="1/0/2", stopMove="1/0/3", position="5.001:1/1/3+<1/1/2" ]
                        Type   rollershutter   :       KNX_APP_TapparellaPortaFinestraCamera            "KNX [APP] Tapparella Porta Finestra Camera"        [ upDown="1/0/8", stopMove="1/0/9", position="5.001:1/1/9+<1/1/8" ]
                        Type   rollershutter   :       KNX_APP_TapparellaFinestraCameretta              "KNX [APP] Tapparella Finestra Cameretta"           [ upDown="1/0/6", stopMove="1/0/7", position="5.001:1/1/7+<1/1/6" ]
                        Type   rollershutter   :       KNX_APP_TapparellaBagno                          "KNX [APP] Tapparella Finestra Bagno"               [ upDown="1/0/4", stopMove="1/0/5", position="5.001:1/1/5+<1/1/4" ]
                        Type   rollershutter   :       KNX_APP_TapparellaFinestraSoggiorno              "KNX [APP] Tapparella Finestra Soggiorno"           [ upDown="1/0/10", stopMove="1/0/11", position="5.001:1/1/11+<1/1/10" ]

                Thing device KNX_SEN_1_1_44 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.44 (Sensori Temperatura 1)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.44", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=60 ]
                        Type    number  :        KNX_APP_TemperaturaBagno      "KNX [APP] Temperatura Bagno"           [ ga="9.001:<7/0/1"]
                        Type    number  :        KNX_APP_TemperaturaCameretta  "KNX [APP] Temperatura Cameretta"       [ ga="9.001:<7/0/2"]
                        Type    number  :        KNX_APP_TemperaturaCamera     "KNX [APP] Temperatura Camera"          [ ga="9.001:<7/0/4"]
                        Type    number  :        KNX_APP_TemperaturaLavanderia "KNX [APP] Temperatura Lavanderia"      [ ga="9.001:<7/0/5"]
                        Type    number  :        KNX_APP_TermosifoneCameraSetpoint      "KNX [APP] Termosifone Camera Setpoint"                 [ ga="9.001:7/1/4+<7/2/4"]
                        Type    number  :        KNX_APP_TermosifoneCamerettaSetpoint   "KNX [APP] Termosifone Cameretta Setpoint"              [ ga="9.001:7/1/2+<7/2/2"]
                        Type    number  :        KNX_APP_TermosifoneLavanderiaSetpoint  "KNX [APP] Termosifone Lavanderia Setpoint"             [ ga="9.001:7/1/5+<7/2/5"]
                        Type    number  :        KNX_APP_TermosifoneBagnoSetpoint       "KNX [APP] Termosifone Bagno Setpoint"                  [ ga="9.001:7/1/1+<7/2/1"]

                Thing device KNX_SEN_1_1_45 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.45 (Sensori Temperatura 2)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.45", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=60 ]
                        Type    number  :        KNX_APP_TemperaturaSala                "KNX [APP] Temperatura Sala"            [ ga="9.001:<7/0/0"]
                        Type    number  :        KNX_APP_TemperaturaSoggiorno           "KNX [APP] Temperatura Sogg./Cucina"    [ ga="9.001:<7/0/3"]
                        Type    number  :        KNX_MON_TemperaturaSoggiorno           "KNX [MON] Temperatura Sogg./Cucina"    [ ga="9.001:<7/0/6"]

                        Type    number :        KNX_APP_TermosifoneSalaSetPoint         "KNX [APP] Termosifone Sala Setpoint"           [ ga="9.001:7/1/0+<7/2/0"]
                        Type    number :        KNX_APP_TermosifoneSoggiornoSetPoint    "KNX [APP] Termosifone Sogg./Cucina Setpoint"   [ ga="9.001:7/1/3+<7/2/3"]
                        Type    number :        KNX_MON_TermosifoneSoggiornoSetPoint    "KNX [MON] Termosifone Sogg./Cucina Setpoint"   [ ga="9.001:7/1/6+<7/2/6"]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_46 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.46 (Switches Zona Notte)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.46", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FarettiCamerettaFinestra    "KNX [APP] Faretti Cameretta Finestra"      [ ga="0/0/11+<0/1/11" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FarettiCameretta            "KNX [APP] Faretti Cameretta"               [ ga="0/0/12+<0/1/12" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_SpecchioBagnoSx             "KNX [APP] Specchio Bagno SX"               [ ga="0/0/13+<0/1/13" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_SpecchioBagnoDx             "KNX [APP] Specchio Bagno DX"               [ ga="0/0/14+<0/1/14" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FarettiBagno                "KNX [APP] Faretti Bagno"                   [ ga="0/0/15+<0/1/15" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FarettiLavanderia           "KNX [APP] Faretti Lavanderia"              [ ga="0/0/16+<0/1/16" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FarettiCameraCentroLetto    "KNX [APP] Faretti Camera Centro Letto"     [ ga="0/0/19+<0/1/19" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_MON_FarettiCameraArmadio        "KNX [APP] Faretti Camera Armadio"          [ ga="0/0/20+<0/1/20" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_MON_LampadaTerrazzaCamera       "KNX [APP] Lampada Terrazza Camera"         [ ga="0/0/21+<0/1/21" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_MON_FarettiDocciaLavanderiaRGB  "KNX [APP] Faretti Doccia Lavanderia RGB"   [ ga="0/0/22+<0/1/22" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_MON_FarettiZonaNotte            "KNX [APP] Faretti Zona Notte"              [ ga="0/0/23+<0/1/23" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_48 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.48 (RGB Soggiorno 1)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.48", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    dimmer  :               KNX_APP_RgbSoggiornoColoreRosso     "KNX [APP] RGB Soggiorno Colore Rosso"              [ position="5.001:3/0/0" ]
                        Type    dimmer  :               KNX_APP_RgbSoggiornoColoreVerde     "KNX [APP] RGB Soggiorno Colore Verde"              [ position="5.001:3/0/2" ]
                        Type    dimmer  :               KNX_APP_RgbSoggiornoColoreBlu       "KNX [APP] RGB Soggiorno Colore Blu"                [ position="5.001:3/0/4" ]
                        Type    dimmer  :               KNX_APP_RgbSoggiornoColoreBianco    "KNX [APP] RGB Soggiorno Colore Bianco"             [ position="5.001:3/0/14" ]
                        Type    switch-control  :       KNX_APP_RgbSoggiornoOnOff           "KNX [APP] RGB Soggiorno ON/OFF"                    [ ga="5.001:<3/0/8" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_49 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.49 (RGB Sala 1)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.49", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    number-control :        KNX_APP_RgbSalaColore     "KNX [APP] RGB Sala Colore"           [ ga="5.010:3/1/100" ]
                        Type    number-control :        KNX_APP_RgbSalaScenario   "KNX [APP] RGB Sala Scenario"         [ ga="18.001:3/1/101" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_50 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.50 (RGB Sala 2)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.50", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    number-control :        KNX_APP_RgbSalaColore     "KNX [APP] RGB Sala Colore"           [ ga="5.010:3/1/100" ]
                        Type    number-control :        KNX_APP_RgbSalaScenario   "KNX [APP] RGB Sala Scenario"         [ ga="18.001:3/1/101" ]
                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_51 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.51 (RGB Sala 3)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.51", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    number-control :        KNX_APP_RgbSalaColore     "KNX [APP] RGB Sala Colore"           [ ga="5.010:3/1/100" ]
                        Type    number-control :        KNX_APP_RgbSalaScenario   "KNX [APP] RGB Sala Scenario"         [ ga="18.001:3/1/101" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_52 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.52 (RGB Sala 4)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.52", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    number-control :        KNX_APP_RgbSalaColore     "KNX [APP] RGB Sala Colore"           [ ga="5.010:3/1/100" ]
                        Type    number-control :        KNX_APP_RgbSalaScenario   "KNX [APP] RGB Sala Scenario"         [ ga="18.001:3/1/101" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_55 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.55 (Dimmer Camera)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.55", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type   dimmer   :       KNX_APP_FarettiLettoDx                "KNX [APP] Faretti Camera Letto DX"             [ position="0/0/25+<0/1/24" ]
                        Type   dimmer   :       KNX_APP_FarettiLettoSx                "KNX [APP] Faretti Camera Letto SX"             [ position="0/0/27+<0/1/26" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_56 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.56 (Z41 Lite)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.56", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=60 ]
                        Type    number :        KNX_MON_TemperaturaIngresso  "KNX [MON] Temperatura Ingresso"  [ ga="9.001:<7/0/7"]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_59 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.59 (RGB Soggiorno 2)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.59", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    dimmer  :               KNX_APP_RgbSoggiornoColoreRosso     "KNX [APP] RGB Soggiorno Colore Rosso"              [ ga="5.001:3/0/0" ]
                        Type    dimmer  :               KNX_APP_RgbSoggiornoColoreVerde     "KNX [APP] RGB Soggiorno Colore Verde"              [ ga="5.001:3/0/2" ]
                        Type    dimmer  :               KNX_APP_RgbSoggiornoColoreBlu       "KNX [APP] RGB Soggiorno Colore Blu"                [ ga="5.001:3/0/4" ]
                        Type    dimmer  :               KNX_APP_RgbSoggiornoColoreBianco    "KNX [APP] RGB Soggiorno Colore Bianco"             [ ga="5.001:3/0/14" ]
                        Type    switch-control  :       KNX_APP_RgbSoggiornoOnOff           "KNX [APP] RGB Soggiorno ON/OFF"                    [ ga="5.001:<3/0/8" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_60 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.60 (RGB Soggiorno 3)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.60", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    dimmer  :               KNX_APP_RgbSoggiornoColoreRosso     "KNX [APP] RGB Soggiorno Colore Rosso"              [ ga="5.001:3/0/0" ]
                        Type    dimmer  :               KNX_APP_RgbSoggiornoColoreVerde     "KNX [APP] RGB Soggiorno Colore Verde"              [ ga="5.001:3/0/2" ]
                        Type    dimmer  :               KNX_APP_RgbSoggiornoColoreBlu       "KNX [APP] RGB Soggiorno Colore Blu"                [ ga="5.001:3/0/4" ]
                        Type    dimmer  :               KNX_APP_RgbSoggiornoColoreBianco    "KNX [APP] RGB Soggiorno Colore Bianco"             [ ga="5.001:3/0/14" ]
                        Type    switch-control  :       KNX_APP_RgbSoggiornoOnOff           "KNX [APP] RGB Soggiorno ON/OFF"                    [ ga="5.001:<3/0/8" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_62 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.62 (Telo Proiettore Camera)" @ "KNX" [address="1.1.62", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type   rollershutter   :       KNX_APP_TeloProiettoreCamera                "KNX [APP] Telo Proiettore Camera"            [ upDown="6/0/1", stopMove="6/0/2", position="5.001:2/1/2+<6/1/1" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_65 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.65 (Tende 1)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.65", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type   rollershutter   :       KNX_APP_TendaPortaFinestraVeranda                "KNX [APP] Tenda Porta Finestra Veranda"            [ upDown="2/0/12", stopMove="2/0/13", position="5.001:2/1/12+<2/1/13" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_63 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.63 (Switch Pensili Monolocale)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.63", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_MON_PensiliMonolocale               "KNX [MON] Pensili Monolocale"      [ ga="0/0/106+<0/1/106" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_64 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.64 (Tapparelle/Tende Monolocale)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.64", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type   rollershutter   :       KNX_MON_TapparellaPortaFinestraGrande              "KNX [MON] Tapparella Porta Finestra Grande"         [ upDown="1/0/100", stopMove="1/0/101", position="5.001:1/1/101+<1/1/100" ]
                        Type   rollershutter   :       KNX_MON_TapparellaPortaFinestraPiccola             "KNX [MON] Tapparella Porta Finestra Piccola"        [ upDown="1/0/102", stopMove="1/0/103", position="5.001:1/1/103+<1/1/102" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_67 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.67 (Switches Kodi/Servizi)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.67", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_COM_Telecamere                "KNX [COM] Telecamere"                 [ ga="1.001:<8/0/4" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_MON_KodiSoggiornoCucina       "KNX [MON] Kodi Soggiorno/Cucina"      [ ga="1.001:<6/0/4" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_69 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.69 (Switches Filodiffusione 1)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.69", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FilodiffusioneCamera           "KNX [APP] Filodiffusione Camera"        [ ga="+<5/0/0" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FilodiffusioneCameretta        "KNX [APP] Filodiffusione Cameretta"     [ ga="+<5/0/2" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FilodiffusioneLavanderia       "KNX [APP] Filodiffusione Lavanderia"    [ ga="+<5/0/1" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FilodiffusioneSoggiorno        "KNX [APP] Filodiffusione Soggiorno"     [ ga="+<5/0/5" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_70 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.70 (Switches Filodiffusione 2)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.70", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FilodiffusioneBagno           "KNX [APP] Filodiffusione Bagno"          [ ga="+<5/0/3" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FilodiffusioneZonaNotte       "KNX [APP] Filodiffusione Zona Notte"     [ ga="+<5/0/4" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FilodiffusioneMonolocale      "KNX [MON] Filodiffusione Monolocale"     [ ga="+<5/0/100" ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_FilodiffusioneSala            "KNX [APP] Filodiffusione Sala"           [ ga="+<5/0/6" ]

                Thing device KNX_ATT_1_1_71 "KNK [ATT] 1.1.71 (Switch Kodi Cameretta)" @ "KNX" [ address="1.1.71", fetch=false, pingInterval=600, readInterval=0 ]
                        Type    switch  :       KNX_APP_KodiCameretta                 "KNX [APP] Kodi Cameretta"      [ ga="6/0/3+<6/1/3" ]


Is it a my problem only?



this should help you:

To illustrate the above “less is more” principle, my knx.things file is now as short as:

Bridge knx:ip:BAOS771 [
]	{
Thing ...

So: no localIp, no readingPause, etc etc…
Also: remove the address, fetch, pingInterval and readInterval properties from your Things

Implementing the above completely solved my problem

1 Like

Thanks a lot to all!!!
I changed my bridge. Now I’ll wait next days to see if the problem disappears

Sorry for the delay, but my internet connection was out of order for many days.
The implemetion doesn’t resolve the problem…

1 Like

This fix worked for me. I’ve been struggling for a while now getting status back from my knx things, and recently this has got even worse as when using the Alexa skill lights would switch on/off but Alexa would say ‘device isnt responding’ even though it was! Thanks!

1 Like

In my case the solution did not work.
And I solved it by programming a restart of the service every time it goes offline.

I got the result by creating in my raspberry openhabian installation this sh file (install sshpass before with: apt-get install sshpass):

// restartknx.sh
sudo -u [YOUR_SYSTEM_USER] sshpass -p [YOUR_SYSTEM_PASSWORD] ssh openhab@localhost -p 8101 'bundle:restart org.openhab.binding.knx'

and running it by this cron rule:

rule "Restart KNX"

	Time cron "0/10 * * ? * *" 

	val allThings = sendHttpGetRequest("")

	  if(allThings.indexOf('BRIDGE_OFFLINE"},"editable":false,"label":"KNK [ATT] 1.1.4')>0){
    logInfo("KNX", "KNX Autorestart")
	    var String esito = executeCommandLine("/etc/openhab2/scripts/restartknx.sh",5000)

	        logInfo("KNX", "Autorestart completed (" + esito +")")


In the sh file I check offline thing status searching “BRIDGE_OFFLINE”},“editable”:false,“label”:“KNK [ATT] 1.1.4” string into json sendHttpGetRequest result. This is a specific string of a my knx thing and you must search a your specific different string.

Remember to change [YOUR_SYSTEM_USER] and [YOUR_SYSTEM_PASSWORD] with your openhabian credentials of a my knx thing and you can search a your specific different string.

Hi all,

I’m on and my KNX feedback seems to have bust again…it was working fine the other week - any ideas?

My sitemaps don’t update anymore when i press a physical button

Update on this - I’m using Google Home. GH turns lights on/off ok but says ‘i’m having trouble accessing xx lights’ when turning lights on! When turning them off, everything is ok. Very strange behaviour.