Is down? I get timeout on android and 504 (i think is 504) on web interface

It would not really make sense to install it on the same RasPi that is running your openHAB instance. You would need to expose that machine to the internet to gain access to it.

But it should only be exposed with the port that openhab cloud is running on. Not exactly sure how that would be a problem, unless you connect the machine directly to the internet without using any port forwarding.

At any point. I tried to set up openhab-cloud with Amazon Web Services using the instructions. I have absolutely no idea what I am doing, but was able to fill in the blanks for most of the instructions, but I gave up after a while of not getting things to run.

It would be amazing if someone would make a video, showing exactly how to set these things up, so that they actually work. is down, what’s the problem? Why is this happening?

Past Events

Jul 26, 2019

Automatic website monitoring identified an issue with openHAB Demo Server.

Automatic website monitoring identified an issue with myopenHAB Cloud Service.

And it is back up and running. I did nothing…