Is there a way to limit the precision of Number-Items?

I use a regex filter to remove items that update continuously, such as temperature/humidity/light sensors , as well as other items that I don’t feel the need to see when I’m checking the log.

For example, the TP-Link Kasa binding can control the LED indicators on Kasa switches/outlets. I turn the LEDs off when I go to bed, and on again in the morning. I don’t need to see that in my log.

I’ve also set some handlers to ERROR, so that I don’t see any non-criticial updates from them.

<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.ItemCommandEvent"/>
<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.ItemStatePredictedEvent"/>
<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.GroupItemStateChangedEvent"/>
<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent"/>
<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent"/>

It’s easy enough to comment these out from log4j2.xml whenever I’m debugging, since the edit takes effect within a few minutes in OH3 (without requiring a reboot). However, I usually don’t need to bother. I don’t get too complex with my rules, so all I usually care about is if an item state changes.

I suppose I could use WARN with pretty much the same results.

It’s also harder for us to help people upgrade from OH2 to OH3 at this point, since we haven’t done it ourselves in quite some time. As well, there are older discussions about upgrading that are no longer reliable due to subsequent changes.

I don’t think it’s necessary to be on the latest version all of the time, but it’s better to not fall too far behind. I usually upgrade somewhere between 3-6 months after a new version is released.