I am looking for a piece of software that runs on little hardware and can read from many platforms, including something like SolarEdge/Sunspec modbus, MQTT Clients, but also many different SmartMeters etc. and send the measurements to a remote API I set up, for energy management, e.g. every minute. I can see that openHAB has “bindings” where I can just configure a specific binding and it can read from it, yes?
I need something that makes it easy to interface with additional devices, so these bindings seem like they would work for me, but I also read a thread that mentioned running it on a Pi zero would be difficult. Would it be possible if I just use it for data transfer or is there something more fitting?
Please read our docs with requirements and recommendations. A Pi Zero will not be sufficient.
I understand, but is what I want to do here possible with OpenHAB or what should I look for? It doesn’t need to store anything, just transmit data it’s reading from different bindings.
I don’t want to necessarily use a Pi Zero, but I just wanted to ask if that is a viable device for this specific use case.
Viable yes?
The best option? Likely not.
Tbh you’re not providing enough information for us to answer you.
For example, if you’re using zigbee sensors and want to push that data to a remote server then all you need is connectivity there, a vpn server on the remote server, and one of these:
(There’s several models, and I’m not trying to sell you anything so don’t ask about the differences between them )
Those controllers have a vpn client which connects to the remove server and thus all of your zigbee data is now available to the remote server.
But I’m assuming many things here. And maybe you have a completely different thing in mind so… no clue.
No, a Pi Zero is not a viable device!
I understand, sorry for not being clearer here.
I look for a piece of software that can read data through a multitude of API’s of SmartMeters and Converters that have these APIs preconfigured in something like OpenHAB bindings, where I just have to specify where the API is exposed (for example a local IP with the Solaredge Modbus API) and then can read the currently used power and send it to a remote server in a regular interval. I don’t care about the hardware for now, the pi zero was just an example, I would just prefer to use less demanding software if possible. Do you maybe have an idea what I should look for here?
From software perspective, this can be done with openHAB, don‘t see an issue.
Hardwarewise, you can look for a Pi4 with 4GB of memory. That will do.
Starting with openHAB5, you will need a 64bit OS and Java21.
Our openHABian image will be prepared for this.
Thank you both!
A pi zero 2w is not sufficient? Can you be sure of this? It’s the same cpu as the pi3 B. I could swear openHAB ran on the pi3…
Oh my… times are a changing.
Do you understand now?
It might run openHAB, but it is not recommended!
I tried and got it running a while ago on a Zero 2W…
But it was not fun… and apart from OH, you couldn’t use it at all anymore.
Hence our recommrndations
RAM has always been the limiting factor. A RPi 02W doesn’t have enough of it. An RPi 3 doesn’t really have enough any more either. It’s even worse with 64-bit which OH 5 is moving to.
The machine will bog down and eat the SD card swapping while the CPU remains mostly idle waiting for I/O.