isBefore no longer works?

well changed the rule to this instead and works with no error

    //val openTime = new DateTimeType(LastBoxOpen.state.toString)
    val openTime = (LastBoxOpen.state as DateTimeType).zonedDateTime.toInstant.toEpochMilli
    ///val motionTime = new DateTimeType(LastBoxBuzz.state.toString)
    val motionTime = (LastBoxBuzz.state as DateTimeType).zonedDateTime.toInstant.toEpochMilli
    //if (openTime.isBefore(motionTime)) {tally = (tally + 60)}
    if (openTime < motionTime) {tally = (tally + 60)}
    //if (openTime.isAfter(motionTime)) {tally = (tally - 5)}

that was my old version before rud and rich helped me in this thread

which I used to develop this rule example