Issues with FGWPB-121 Fibaro Wall Plug as Energy Meter

I’ve seen Fibaro wall plug issues with energy/power metering here, but can’t seem to figure this out. The goal is to use the plug to monitor dryer energy to notify when cycle is complete. The issues I am having:

After discovery, there are 3 pairs of energy and power channels available. I’ve seen this before with deprecated channels, but not like this. Trial and error usually establishes which channels are active. I’ve left them numbered as they appear. No real issue here, just trying to understand.

To test, I plugged a lamp into the Fibaro and manually turned the lamp on and off to find which meter was changed, and saw that the lamp changed the meter from 0.0 to 5.6, which is what I would have predicted from an LED bulb. I was also able to successfully test a rule to send a notification when then wattage dropped below 1.0 using sendBroadcastNotification. The update to wattage was not instant, but was quick enough for my purposes.

Moving the plug to the dryer, the results are not the same. As seen above (last on the list), the dryer draws 1.8 when off. Not unexpected as many appliances pull trickle for various reasons. When the dryer is turned on, the dryer wattage does not change. Stays at 1.8. My guess is the dryer is using more energy than the LED bulb, so I am at a loss as to why there is no change. Using the default parameters for reporting (15% change). Here are the parameters:

UID: zwave:device:0fb0aea755:node36
label: "Dryer Fibaro Wall Plug Z-Wave Node 036: FGWPB-121 Fibaro Wall Plug"
thingTypeUID: zwave:fibaro_fgwpb121_00_000
  config_30_1: 63
  config_31_1: 0
  config_32_2: 600
  config_11_1: 15
    - controller
  group_3: []
  group_2: []
  action_reinit: false
  config_12_2: 10
  config_13_2: 3600
  config_14_2: 3600
  config_15_1: 0
  config_42_1: 0
  config_40_2: 18000
  config_41_1: 1
  config_21_2: 500
  config_43_1: 2
  action_heal: false
  config_2_1: 1
  config_26_2: 255
  config_27_2: 0
  config_22_2: 300
  config_23_1: 3
  config_3_2: 0
  config_24_2: 255
  node_id: 36
  config_25_2: 0
bridgeUID: zwave:serial_zstick:0fb0aea755

I am probably missing something, but in seems as simple as “works on lamp, doesn’t work on dryer”. I actually purchased 2 of these (one for the washer) from Amazon and they both behave the same. Any thoughts are appreciated.