Issues with Frame Widget


Im trying to display the train station departures in a frame widget. It used to work ages ago, when i did my first HABpanel tests, but now it’s refreshing, refreshing, refreshing and doesn’t show the intended screen. I took 300 seconds for the update intervall. The frame I want to show has this url:

I took it from the optional HTML code for embedding the monitor in a webpage ( --> choose any station like “Wien”)

Any ideas/hints?


Seems to be an issue when using chrome. Works ok with Firefox.
Same goes for the image widget.

Thank you for the feedback. As far as I remember I tried Firefox and Chrome having the same issue, but I have to check again.

Something strange happened for me… I went into the developer mode in chrome. Right click inspect (Untersuchen). Did a refresh there and it started working. Maybe it just took time for to get the widget data synced…

So this work ok for me now, also with the URL you posted.

Nice idea - will try the same with CTRL+F5 --> probably a Cache Issue

didn’t help --> let’s see if it was fixed with