Issues with Homematic and Daikin Bindings – Automatic Restart Solution?

I have installed the latest version of openHAB on a Raspberry Pi 3. openHAB works great overall, but I occasionally experience the following issues:

Today, I noticed that the Homematic binding is functioning, but it consistently displays the same values across all rooms. For example, even though the CCU web interface shows updated values, such as different humidity levels, openHAB does not reflect these changes. If I restart the entire Raspberry Pi running openHAB, it works correctly again.

I’ve also encountered similar issues with the Daikin adapter. Although the air conditioning units are controllable via the regular app, openHAB reports a “communication error.”

In summary, I have faced these problems with both Homematic and Daikin bindings, which seem to occur (I assume) when the system has been running for an extended period.

Is there a kind of watchdog solution I can use to automatically restart the system if it hangs or stops updating the values?

Thank you so much!

Many greets, iceget