Iterating over a group, want to check an alternate item, sometimes

I have a report every morning that checks each member of a group for activity. If it hasn’t activated in 24h, it’s likely dead and I want to know about it…

except that some of my sensors don’t get tripped every day. But sometimes they send battery reports even when they don’t get tripped. So what I’d like to do is iterate over the group members, then if it hasn’t checked in, check that device’s battery item for activity as well.

What I’m trying to avoid is having a massive switch statement in the rule. What I’d like to do is use a transform on the item name, to get a second item, and then check that one. It’s not exactly going well. Here’s what I have:

	var String FriendlyName = transform("MAP","", // translate item names into friendly names, using that transform map
	var Boolean Activity_Level = false

	var Alternate_Device = transform("MAP","", // get alternate device to check
//	var String AlternateFriendlyName = transform("MAP","", // translate alternate item names into friendly names, again

	logInfo("openhab","Alternate device for " + FriendlyName + " is " + Alternate_Device)
	logInfo("openhab","Alternate state for a.d.:" + Alternate_Device.state)
{{{more stuff}}}

As-is, Alternate_Device returns a string of the new device to check, so far so good. Problem is I can’t find a way to have OH interpret this string as a variable name instead of a string. (for now, I said the alternate device for the garage door was the side door’s lock battery in the transform file…)

2017-12-09 09:16:15.624 [INFO ] [g.openhab.model.script.openhab] - Alternate device for Garage vehicle door opener is SIDE_DOOR_DOOR_LOCK_BATTERY
2017-12-09 09:16:16.047 [ERROR] [o.o.c.s.ScriptExecutionThread ] - Error during the execution of rule 'generate activity report': The name '<XFeatureCallImplCustom>.state' cannot be resolved
 to an item or type.

So I guess I have two questions…

  1. How do I get OH to convert from a string that contains an OH item’s name back to the original item?
  2. Is there a better way to do this? I could write a big nasty switch statement and essentially do it by hand, but a) that sucks and b) that suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks because it’s prone to error since it’s a lot of copy-and-paste rather than reused code and c) it’s much more simple to add/remove/modify a transform file than a rules file. I know it’s the same but seems like a transform is the “right” way to do it.

This example is a bit generalized and simplified for discussion here. Just changing the timeout isn’t a solution, sadly; really need the core functionality.

Don’t have all the answers, but maybe the following thoughts help:

  • you may want to have a naming scheme that identifies the alternative item through an appendix; something like myItemName and myItemName_alternative; you can then use string operations to put together Item names
  • maybe persisting all items (everyChange strategy) and checking the timestamps of the last persisted datapoint will help identifying those that have not posted in 24h; if you group your devices in those that send battery info and others, you can decide simply by group membership whether to look for an alternative item of call it dead (you could also check whether the alternative item is not NULL; if it is there is no alternative device and the thing is dead, if there is you can pull battery tests)
  • you may want to consider to have a group of all those with alternative devices, iterate over both the item and alternative item and take the latest timestamp of the persisted data

most of these ideas came from here: Design Pattern: Working with Groups in Rules and related posts on using groups in rules.

Sorry for not being able to offer more, but maybe this helps you solve your problem

This is going to just be a quick reply. I’ll try to come back later. Poke me if I forget.

  1. Design Pattern: Associated Items

  2. Design Patterns: Generic Is Alive

In the above scheme you have an item to represent the online status of the device. When ever any item associated with that device receives an update you send command to that online status switch. In you case both the sensor reading and the battery will update the online switch. Expire binding turns the switch off 24 hours, or what ever you want, after the last update letting you know the device is offline.

This is particularly easy to implement with MQTT as your online switch can just subscribe to all messages for that device and update itself without needing a rule.

In the morning you can loop through the online Switches and generate your report, or report it immediately when it goes offline.

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Thanks Rich, I’ll give that a try and see how I make out.

Here is an example of what I do, now that I’m at a computer and can copy and paste. Note that I’m monitoring using MQTT heartbeat messages and LWT messages, Network binding, and heartbeat type messages to detect when devices are online. I’m lucky enough to not need the full Generic Is Alive approach.


// Set to OFF if any device I want to monitor goes offline
Group:Switch:AND(ON, OFF) gSensorStatus "Sensor's Status [MAP(]"

// Holds an Alerted switch I can use to indicate I've already sent an alert about a given device
Group:Switch gOfflineAlerted

// Sonoff
Switch vSonoff_3157_Online "Powercord 3157 [MAP(]"
    <network> (gSensorStatus, gResetExpire)
    { mqtt="<[mosquitto:tele/sonoff-3157/LWT:state:MAP(", epxire="24h,state=OFF" }

String vSonoff_3157_Uptime "Powercord 3157 Uptime [%s hours]"
    <clock> (gResetExpire)
    { mqtt="<[mosquitto:tele/sonoff-3157/STATE:state:JSONPATH($.Uptime)]", expire="1h,state=NA" }

Switch vSonoff_3157_Online_Alerted (gOfflineAlerted)

Switch vSonoff_4079_Online "Powercord 4079 [MAP(]"
    <network> (gSensorStatus, gResetExpire)
    { mqtt="<[mosquitto:tele/sonoff-4079/LWT:state:MAP(", epxire="24h,state=OFF" }

String vSonoff_4079_Uptime "Powercord 4079 Uptime [%s hours]"
    <clock> (gResetExpire)
    { mqtt="<[mosquitto:tele/sonoff-4079/STATE:state:JSONPATH($.Uptime)]", expire="1h,state=NA" }

Switch vSonoff_4079_Online_Alerted (gOfflineAlerted)

// more Sonoff devices, using Tasmota firmware

// Nest
Switch vNest_Online "Nest Status [MAP(]"
    <network> (gSensorStatus)
    { nest="<[thermostats(Entryway).is_online]" }

Switch vNest_Online_Alerted (gOfflineAlerted)

// Network devices and services
Switch vNetwork_Cerberos "Cerberos Network [MAP(]"
  <network> (gSensorStatus, gResetExpire)
  { channel="network:servicedevice:cerberos:online", expire="2m" }

Switch vNetwork_Cerberos_Alerted (gOfflineAlerted)

Switch vNetwork_Hydra "Hydra Network [MAP(]"
  <network> (gSensorStatus, gResetExpire)
  { channel="network:servicedevice:hydra:online", expire="2m" }

Switch vNetwork_Hydra_Alerted (gOfflineAlerted)

// lots more Network binding Switches

// Services
Switch vCerberos_SensorReporter_Online "Cerberos sensorReporter [MAP(]"
    <network> (gSensorStatus, gResetExpire)
    { mqtt="<[mosquitto:status/sensor-reporters:command:OFF:.*cerberos sensorReporter is dead.*],<[mosquitto:status/cerberos/heartbeat/string:command:ON]", expire="11m,command=OFF" }

String vCerberos_SensorReporter_Uptime "Cerberos sensorReporter Uptime [%s]"
    <clock> (gResetExpire)
    { mqtt="<[mosquitto:status/cerberos/heartbeat/string:state:default]", expire="10m,state=NA" }

Switch vCerberos_SensorReporter_Online_Alerted (gOfflineAlerted)

Switch vCerberos_Camera_Online "Cerberos Camera [MAP(]"
        <network> (gSensorStatus, gResetExpire)
        { channel="network:servicedevice:garagecamera:online", expire="2m" }

Switch vCerberos_Camera_Online_Alerted (gOfflineAlerted)

// Lots more network services (i.e. Network binging configured to ping specific ports)

// RFM69HW
Switch vMasterBedroom_Sensors_Online "Master Bedroom Sensors [MAP(]"
    <network> (gSensorStatus, gResetExpire)
    { mqtt="<[mosquitto:rfm69/uber_sensors/mbr/uptime/string:command:ON]", expire="5m,command=OFF" }

String vMasterBedroom_Uptime "Master Bedroom Sensors Uptime[%s]"
    <clock> (gResetExpire)
    { mqtt="<[mosquitto:rfm69/uber_sensors/mbr/uptime/string:state:default]", expire="5m,state=NA" }

Switch vMasterBedroom_Sensors_Online_Alerted (gOfflineAlerted)

// More Items that represent my RFM69HW Arduino sensors

// Smoke/CO Alarms
Group:Switch:OR(OFF,ON) gAlarmStatus "The Smoke/CO Alarms are [MAP(]"

Switch vMainFloorSmokeCOAlarm_Heartbeat "Main Floor Smoke/CO Alarm is [MAP(]"
    <network> (gAlarmStatus, gSensorStatus, gResetExpire)
    { channel="zwave:device:dongle:node5:alarm_general", expire="24h,command=OFF" }

Switch vMainFloorSmokeCOAlarm_Heartbeat_Alerted (gOfflineAlerted)

// More Zwave smoke alarms which generate a heartbeat message on the alarm_general channel every so often

Key things to note:

  • For MQTT I rely upon LWT messages to immediately detect when a device goes offline. I also use a heartbeat message to keep the online Switch ON and the Expire binding to turn it OFF after a certain amount of time with no updates.

  • The gResetExpire Group is used in a System started Rule to sendCommand the restoreOnStartup state to the Item to reset the Timer. Otherwise you might get false ON states for Items if for some reason a device went down while OH was down. You will see this Rule below.

  • I’m lucky enough to have all devices and services I want to monitor that I can rely on a heartbeat or regular messages to detect they are online. If you have to rely on updates to some other Item you will need the full DP I posted above.


import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
import java.util.Map

val ReentrantLock statusLock = new ReentrantLock
val Map<String, Timer> timers = newHashMap

rule "A sensor changed its online state"
        Item gSensorStatus received update
    try {
        Thread::sleep(100) // give persistence time to catch up

        // Process any sensors that have updated in the last second. The Alerted flag will keep us from sending out duplicate alerts
        val recentUpdates = gSensorStatus.members.filter[sensor|sensor.lastUpdate("mapdb") != null && sensor.lastUpdate("mapdb").isBefore(now.minusSeconds(1).millis)]


                // Get the alerted flag Item
                val alerted = gOfflineAlerted.members.filter[a|"_Alerted"].head
                if(alerted == null) logError("admin", "Cannot find Item " +"_Alerted")

                // If we haven't alerted this state change
                if(alerted != null && alerted.state == sensor.state && timers.get( == null){
                        val currState = sensor.state
                        // wait a few seconds and check again before sending alert if it is still changed to avoid flapping
                        timers.put(, createTimer(now.plusSeconds(15), [|
                                if(sensor.state == currState) {
                                        var name = transform("MAP", "", // Use the Human Readable Names DP to get a nice name from the Item name
                                        if(name == "") name =
                                        aInfo.sendCommand(name + " is now " + transform("MAP", "", sensor.state.toString) + "!") // Uses Separation of Behaviors DP for sending alert messages
                                        // Set the flag so we know this state change has already been alerted
                                        alerted.postUpdate(if(sensor.state == ON) OFF else ON)
    catch(Exception e){
        logError("admin", "Error processing an online status change: " + e.toString)
    finally {

// Sends a digest alert at 08:00 with a list of all devices that are offline
rule "Reminder at 08:00 and system start"
        Time cron "0 0 8 * * ? *" or
        System started
    val message = new StringBuilder

    val offline = gSensorStatus.members.filter[sensor|sensor.state != ON]
    if(offline.size > 0) {
        message.append("The following sensors are offline: ")
                var name = transform("MAP", "",
                if(name == "") name =
                message.append(", ")
        message.delete(message.length-2, message.length)

    gSensorStatus.members.filter[sensor|sensor.state == ON].forEach[sensor |
        sensor.sendCommand(ON) // reset the Expire timer

// If your persistence is slow with restoreOnStartup you may need to add a sleep here so all the Items have been populated from the database
rule "Reset Expire binding at startup"
  System started
  logInfo("Startup", "Restarting Expire binding Timers")
  gResetExpire.members.forEach[ i | i.postUpdate(i.state)]

Theory of operation:

The “A sensor changed its online state” rule triggers whenever any sensor receives an update. It occurs to me that if we defined the Group as Group:Number:SUM gSensorStatus we can trigger the rule using Item gSensorStatus changed and the Rule will be uselessly triggered far less often.

Anyway, this rule gets a lock so only one instance of the rule is executing at a given time to prevent the multiple triggers of the rule caused by one update from running concurrently. If you use the Number:SUM approach, I think you cna elimiinate the lock.

In the rule, we sleep for a little bit to give persistence a chance to save the most recent updates and get all the Items that have updated in the past second. For each one we get its Alerted flag using Associated Items DP.

If the alerted Switch is different from the online Item’s state and there isn’t a running Timer we know this is a state change we need to send an alert for. So we capture the current state and create a 15 second timer. When the Timer goes off, we check to see if the online Item is still changed and send an alert using Design Pattern: Separation of Behaviors and finally setting the Alerted Item so we don’t alert for further updates to this Item that are not a change. I use Design Pattern: Human Readable Names in Messages to convert the Item name to something more friendly for the alert messages.

The timer helps avoid flapping which I’ve noticed is a bit of a problem with Network Binding. This Rule will generate an alert when ever a device goes OFF and ON so we get an alert both directions.

The “Reminder at 08:00 and system start” generates a message listing all the devices that are still offline and sends it at 08:00 every day. If everythig is online then no message gets sent.

The “Reset Expire binding at startup” triggers at System start and postUpdate’s it’s restoreOnStartup state to kick off the Expire binding timers again.

Sitemap snippet:

                Text item=gSensorStatus {
                        Frame label="Devices"{
                                Text item=vNest_Online
                                Text item=vTopFloorSmokeCOAlarm_Heartbeat
                                Text item=vMainFloorSmokeCOAlarm_Heartbeat
                                Text item=vBasementFloorSmokeCOAlarm_Heartbeat
                                Text item=vSonoff_3157_Online
                                Text item=vSonoff_3157_Uptime
                                Text item=vSonoff_4079_Online
                                Text item=vSonoff_4079_Uptime
                                Text item=vSonoff_0587_Online
                                Text item=vSonoff_0587_Uptime
                Frame item=vNetwork_Cerberos {
                        Text item=vCerberos_SensorReporter_Online
                        Text item=vCerberos_SensorReporter_Uptime
                        Text item=vCerberos_Camera_Online
//                      Text item=vCerberos_reelyActive_Online
                        // Switch item=aCerberos // power switch connected to cerberos, currently being used for Christmas lights
                Frame item=vNetwork_Hydra {
                        Text item=vHydra_SensorReporter_Online
                        Text item=vHydra_SensorReporter_Uptime
//                      Text item=vHydra_reelyActive_Online
                        // Switch item=aHydra // power switch connected to hydra, currently being used for Christmas lights

                Frame item=vNetwork_Manticore {
                        Text item=vManticore_SensorReporter_Online
                        Text item=vManticore_SensorReporter_Uptime
                Frame item=vMasterBedroom_Sensors_Online {
                        Text item=vMasterBedroom_Sensors_Online
                        Text item=vMasterBedroom_Uptime
                Frame item=vBasement_Sensors_Online {
                        Text item=vBasement_Sensors_Online
                        Text item=vBasement_Uptime
                Frame item=vNetwork_Medusa {
                        Text item=vGogs_Online
                        Text item=vCalibre_Online
                        Text item=vPlex_Online
                Frame item=vNetwork_Argus {
                        Text item=vAlfresco_Online
                        Text item=vMosquitto_Online
                        Text item=vInfluxdb_Online
                        Text item=vGrafana_Online