JavaScript Transform not working correctly in OH3

I have a few JS transform where I transform the usual seconds to a human readable time, for example Kodi_CurrentTime. This worked correctly in OH2.x, but now on OH3 I just get NaN. I have tried slicing off the " s" from the end of the string, but that did not helped either. What is the problem here?

(function (i) {

    if (isNaN(i)) {

        return "NaN";


    if (i < 0) {

        return "Nothing is playing";


    var secs = Math.floor(i % 60)

    var mins = Math.floor(i / 60)

    var hours = 0

    if (mins >= 60) {

        hours = Math.floor(mins / 60)

        mins = Math.floor(mins % 60)


    var pad = "00";

    return (pad + hours).slice(-pad.length) + ":" + (pad + mins).slice(-pad.length) + ":" + (pad + secs).slice(-pad.length);


After changing item definition from Number:Time to just Number it started to work normally again.