JSON Payload in Items Definition


I am fighting with sending JSON-Payload over MQTT.

I setup the MQTT Binding and sending a simple string like “test” through OH2 works fine!

But I need to send a JSON Payload and therefore defined a Switch in my items configuration:

Switch Funksteckdose “Funksteckdose” {mqtt=">[mosquitto:rf434/send/quigg_gt7000:command:ON:{“id”:2,“unit”:1,“on”:1}],>[mosquitto:rf434/send/quigg_gt7000:command:OFF:{“id”:2,“unit”:1,“off”:1}]"}

This does not work because of syntax errors. How do I have to define the payload in this case?
Thanks for your help!!

No ideas?

Do I have to use rules for this?
Any examples?

I would appreciate your help…

Any luck on this? I’m trying to figure out how to send similar json to an ESP8266.