Json problems

Trying to get CinemaVision in kodi to communicating with openhab but does not work. Thinking it may have with openhab2 to do? Some important difference I need to know?
Have followed this guide but you may need to have a free account to read: http://cinemavision.tv/guides/home-automation/openhab/advanced-dimmer-control-using-json-r1/

String HT_Dimmer "HT Dimmer Data [%s]"
Dimmer Light1_Dimmer “Lampa bakom soffa (V) - Dimmer” (Vardagsrum, Lampor) { channel=“hue:0210:00178823381a:1:color” }

rule "Kodi Dimmer"
/* Trigger the rule when HT_Dimmer receives the information via JSON /
Item HT_Dimmer received command
Set current state of your dimmer in the home theater. This can be a single dimmer attached to one light you have in the room or a group dimmer like in this example that controls all the lights in the room */
var Number curstate = 0
if(Light1_Dimmer.state instanceof PercentType) curstate = Light1_Dimmer.state as PercentType

    /* This will take the JSON we send from the action file within CinemaVision and parse out our configuration parameters */
    var String json = (HT_Dimmer.state as StringType).toString
    /* Example JSON being sent {"_type": "dimDown", "DimPercent": 70, "increments": 5, "speed": 500} */
    var String type = transform("JSONPATH", "$._type", json)
    /* Place an entry to the log to verify we are receiving a value for the type parameter being sent */
    logInfo("HT Rule", "JSON Information " + type)
    //Egen tid
    //if (now.getHourOfDay >= 18){
    /* If the type sent via JSON is dimDown execute this block of code */
    if (type == "dimDown") {
      /* Place an entry to the log to verify we started the dimDown Loop
      logInfo("HT Rule", "Starting dimDown Loop")    
      /* set the variable dimto to the percentage we want to dim down to and output to the log to make sure the information was in fact saved.  Using example we should have this set to 70. */
      var dimto = new Integer(transform("JSONPATH", "$.DimPercent", json))
      logInfo("HT Rule", "dimto variable = " + dimto)    
      /* set the variable inc to the percentage we want dim each time the loop runs. and output to the log to make sure the information was in fact saved.  Using example we should have this set to 5. */
      var inc = new Integer(transform("JSONPATH", "$.increments", json))
      logInfo("HT Rule", "inc variable = " + inc)
       /* set the variable speed to the amount of time in milliseconds to wait before running the while statement again and output to the log to make sure the information was in fact saved.  Using example we should have this set to 500 which is half a second. */
      var speed = new Integer(transform("JSONPATH", "$.speed", json))
      logInfo("HT Rule", "speed variable = " + speed)
      /* Output to the log our current dimmer state to make sure this variable is set as well */
      logInfo("HT Rule", "curstate = " + curstate)

      while(curstate > dimto)

            /* Take the current state of the dimmer and subtract are percentage increments */
            curstate=curstate - inc
            /* Send the new current state to our dimmer */
            sendCommand(Light1_Dimmer, curstate)
            /* Wait the time we choose in milliseconds before running the loop again */
    /* This is the same as the above code block only this time we'll be increasing the lights. */
    if (type == "dimUp") {
    logInfo("HT Rule", "Starting dimUp Loop")    
      var dimto = new Integer(transform("JSONPATH", "$.DimDownPercent", json))
      logInfo("HT Rule", "dimto variable = " + dimto)    
      var inc = new Integer(transform("JSONPATH", "$.increments", json))
      logInfo("HT Rule", "inc variable = " + inc)
      var speed = new Integer(transform("JSONPATH", "$.speed", json))
      logInfo("HT Rule", "speed variable = " + speed)
      logInfo("HT Rule", "curstate = " + curstate)          
      while(curstate > dimto)

            curstate=curstate - inc
            sendCommand(Light1_Dimmer, curstate)
    /* Set the HT_Dimmer state to the string done and output to logfile */
    logInfo("HT Rule", "Successful execution of Home Theater Dimmer rule!")
    //} Egen tid


Actionfile (json):
{"_type": “dimDown”, “DimPercent”: 40, “increments”: 5, “speed”: 500}

Here is the wrong message
