JSR223 count Json response

Hey :slight_smile:

I hope someone can help me with my rule…

I have a API call where I get a JSON response with X devices, I sort them with the json value “product_id”

f.e. product_id=1; product_id=6; product_id=4;

now i need a value for each product id starting with 1 and if there are more than 1 entires for this product_id 1 needs to increase to 2 and so on…in my code its the “var count_xxx” for each 3 product_ids

here is the code i have… but i cant find a way the count the right way.

'use strict';


var me = "001_surehub_start.js";
var json_devices_list = []
var json_hub_list = []
var json_feeder_list = []
var json_flap_list = []

	name: "SureHub START",
	description: "Line: "+__LINE__,
	triggers: [
		// its a big API call, so just lets call this only every 6 hours
		TimerTrigger("0 0 0/6 1/1 * ? *")
	execute: function( module, input){
		var token = "TOKEN"
		var timeout = 5000;
		var httpmethod = "GET";
		var url = "https://app.api.surehub.io/api/me/start"

		var json = executeCommandLineAndWaitResponse("/etc/openhab2/scripts/surehub.sh " + httpmethod + " " + token + " " +url, timeout);

		logDebug("results executeCommandLineAndWaitResponse: ", json);

		if (json == "") return;

		// only 1 Hub
		var action = getAction("Transformation").static;

		// count all devices
		json_devices_list = JSON.parse(json).data.devices;
		logInfo(me, "Surehub ALL Devices List: " + json_devices_list.length + " devices were found!");

		// count hub devices
		json_hub_list = JSON.parse(json).data.devices.filter(function(item){
			return item.product_id==1;         
		logInfo(me, "Surehub HUB Devices List: " + json_hub_list.length + " Hub devices were found!");

		// count flap devices
		json_flap_list = JSON.parse(json).data.devices.filter(function(item){
			return item.product_id==6;         
		logInfo(me, "Surehub FLAP Devices List: " + json_flap_list.length + " Flap devices were found!");

		// count feeder devices
		json_feeder_list = JSON.parse(json).data.devices.filter(function(item){
			return item.product_id==4;         
		logInfo(me, "Surehub FEEDER Devices List: " + json_feeder_list.length + " feeder devices were found!");

		for(var i = 0; i < json_devices_list.length; i++)
            logInfo(me, "for each ALL Devices List: " + i + "!");

            // parse the hub data (product_id = 1)
            var hubData = "$.data.devices["+i+"][?(@.product_id==1)]";
            var hubDataTf = action.transform("JSONPATH", hubData, json);
            if (hubDataTf != NULL) {
				var count_hub = json_devices_list.length - json_feeder_list.length - json_flap_list.length;
				var count_hub2 = json_devices_list.length - i - json_feeder_list.length - json_flap_list.length;
				logInfo(me, "TEST - " + hubData + " --- " + hubDataTf + " --- " + count_hub + " --- " + count_hub2);

            // parse the flap data (product_id = 6)
            var flapData = "$.data.devices["+i+"][?(@.product_id==6)]";
            var flapDataTf = action.transform("JSONPATH", flapData, json);
            if (flapDataTf != NULL) {
				var count_flap = json_devices_list.length - json_hub_list.length - json_feeder_list.length;
				var count_flap2 = json_devices_list.length - i - json_hub_list.length - json_feeder_list.length;
				logInfo(me, "TEST - " + flapData + " --- " + flapDataTf + " --- " + count_flap + " --- " + count_flap2);

            // parse the feeder data (product_id = 4)
            var feederData = "$.data.devices["+i+"][?(@.product_id==4)]";
            var feederDataTf = action.transform("JSONPATH", feederData, json);
            if (feederDataTf != NULL) {
				var count_feeder = json_devices_list.length - json_hub_list.length - json_flap_list.length;
				var count_feeder2 = json_devices_list.length - i - json_hub_list.length - json_flap_list.length;
				logInfo(me, "TEST - " + feederData + " --- " + feederDataTf + " --- " + count_feeder + " --- " + count_feeder2);

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

i found the solution.

		var count_hub = 0;
		var count_flap = 0;
		var count_feeder = 0;

		for(var i = 0; i < json_devices_list.length; i++)
            logInfo(me, "for each ALL Devices List: " + i + "!");

            // parse the hub data (product_id = 1)
            var hubData = "$.data.devices["+i+"][?(@.product_id==1)]";
            var hubDataTf = action.transform("JSONPATH", hubData, json);
            if (hubDataTf != NULL) {

Awesome - that’s exactly the trick what I was looking for.

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