Just more Confused

So I changed those lines as suggested.

If I have not turned the on WiFi my Phone since OpenHab booted up then I get


I Turn the WiFi on my Phone in the PaperUI I get


but nothing changes on the Basic UI

Only if I move the Switch in the Basic UI does it change - so it seems it is not reflecting the true status of the device.

(this is very frustrating)

You’ll note the state displayin BasicUI is “-” , for NULL. This Item is not even OFF, it is uninitialized.

I expect the Item shown in your sitemap is not the same Item as you are looking at in your PaperUI
I always find PaperUI a bit of a nuisance for giving the name of what it shows you.

Have a look in your events.log and you will be able to see what Item actually goes on and off as you change your phone.

Have you followed the rules and made the filename home.sitemap?
Otherwise it doesn’t refresh by itself.

Looking in events.log showed that it was detecting the device status changing, yet the display in the Basic UI did not change, after re-entering the { channel = "...." } in my default.items it is now working (even though it looked exactly the same as before which was copied and pasted from the PaperUI).

I have also managed to work out how to get some MQTT Values from the EmonPi to display too.

That was far more difficult than it should have been.
