Jython 2.7.1


according to jython.org, which is linked in the openHAB documentation, 2.7.0 is the latest version of Jython.

Today I found the blogpost in which the release of version 2.7.1 is announced: http://fwierzbicki.blogspot.de/2017/07/jython-271-final-released.html

According the the commit messages in the repository this version contains quite a few bugfixes. But I am not sure, if this is an official version and the author of the blog really is, who he claims to be. It seems strange, that the official website has not been updated with this version.

Maybe someone here has more insight into this?

since the site jython.org contains many links to the announcement site you mentioned, I would not doubt, that “the author of the blog really is, who he claims to be”. Might be some different conceptions of the owners of the mentioned sites. However, I will have to test myself. Some python >=3.4 concepts do not work with jython 2.7.0. We should stay tuned on this.