KNX Dimmer


currently I try to improve my knx dimmer setup. My config looks

Dimmer Light_FF_Livingroom_Couch “Wohnz. Couch [%d %%]” (FF_Livingroom, Lights_FF) { knx=“0/0/11+0/0/13, 0/0/12, 0/0/34+0/0/35” }

0/0/11 is OnOff Switch
0/0/13 is OnOff Switch State
0/0/12 is Dimming relative
0/0/34 is Dimming absolute
0/0/35 is Dimming value

Now I have the following behavior. My Light is off and I move the slider in the openHab App to 65%.

20:12:27.992 INFO runtime.busevents[:22]- Light_FF_Livingroom_Couch received command 65
20:12:28.143 INFO runtime.busevents[:26]- Light_FF_Livingroom_Couch state updated to ON

the Light seams to have 65% but the slider is moved to 100%. If I change the slider again to 72% everything looks fine.

20:12:29.311 INFO runtime.busevents[:22]- Light_FF_Livingroom_Couch received command 72

I tried this again with 36% and it looks fine too.

20:12:30.327 INFO runtime.busevents[:22]- Light_FF_Livingroom_Couch received command 36

but If i move the slider to 0% I got the following log messages.

20:12:32.303 INFO runtime.busevents[:22]- Light_FF_Livingroom_Couch received command 0
20:12:32.546 INFO runtime.busevents[:26]- Light_FF_Livingroom_Couch state updated to OFF

Why I got the additional ON/OFF events?