I don’t get it working: when i switch the light per Main UI, the knx switch does not show the correct status. (on/off visualized with a led in the switch).
My configuration looks like this:
i’ve created a thing and an item for the zigbee device
i’ve created a thing and an item for the knx channel
there is no link between the knx item with the zigbee-thing!
i’ve created a rule, to switch the light on, when using the knx switch
i’ve createted a secound rule, wich updates the status of the knx switch per “postUpdate”. This is not working.
I deactivated the rules now and created an additinal link. Now it is working! Thanks @Udo_Hartmann
I think, that i don’t need the rule, because i do not use the knx switch do dim the light?!
No idea, wy the solution with the rule isn’t working here, but it doesn’t matter now.
Well, a switch-control channel will give commands, not updates, and you’re trying to get the state of the item, but you’ll need the command.
Anyway, you don’t need the rule for this job
I don’t think so but maybe my explanation was unclear.
knx switch channel: a received data telegram will result in a status update of the linked Switch Item. A command sent to the linked Item will result in a data telegram from openHAB to knx with the first GA set in the parameter ga.
knx switch-control channel: a received data telegram will result in a command to the linked Switch Item. A status update of the Item will result in a data telegram from openHAB to knx with the first GA set in the parameter ga.
So a rule with trigger Item xyz changed will never get executed by a received data telegram for switch-control channels.
If this Channel is linked to the Switch Item lichtNoahDeckeKnx
a received telegram on either 1/2/50 or 1/1/50 will result in a command to Item lichtNoahDeckeKnx ON or OFF, depending on the received telegram.
On the other hand, if the Item lichtNoahDeckeKnx gets an update ON or OFF, this will result in a data telegram GA 1/2/501 or 0 to knx.
And the rule is obsolete (as well as the extra Item), because a received command will be forwarded to all other linked channels at the same Item, as well as the status update of the Item will result in a message sent to knx.
At least this should work (and it certainly does for me).