I solved it by programming a service restart every time it goes offline.
I got the result by creating in my raspberry openhabian installation this sh file (install sshpass before with: apt-get install sshpass):
// restartknx.sh
sudo -u [YOUR_SYSTEM_USER] sshpass -p [YOUR_SYSTEM_PASSWORD] ssh openhab@localhost -p 8101 'bundle:restart org.openhab.binding.knx'
and running it by this cron rule:
rule "Restart KNX"
Time cron "0/10 * * ? * *"
val allThings = sendHttpGetRequest("")
if(allThings.indexOf('BRIDGE_OFFLINE"},"editable":false,"label":"KNK [ATT] 1.1.4')>0){
logInfo("KNX", "KNX Autorestart")
var String esito = executeCommandLine("/etc/openhab2/scripts/restartknx.sh",5000)
logInfo("KNX", "Autorestart completed (" + esito +")")
In the sh file I check offline thing status searching “BRIDGE_OFFLINE”},“editable”:false,“label”:“KNK [ATT] 1.1.4” string into json sendHttpGetRequest result. This is a specific string of a my knx thing and you must search a your specific different string.
Remember to change [YOUR_SYSTEM_USER] and [YOUR_SYSTEM_PASSWORD] with your openhabian credentials of a my knx thing and you can search a your specific different string.