Kodi / light rule

Hi @divinebovine here is my script in its completeness - it is still running off the old xbmc binding am planning to move it over now we have pause and stop identifiable. Not sure if the includes are needed wither any more:

import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.DecimalType
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.HSBType
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.PercentType
import org.joda.time.DateTime

var DateTime time_play_started 

rule "Lights off when Play Starts"
	Item kodi_player_state changed 
	logInfo("RULES", "Kodi State in lowercase is: " + kodi_player_state.state.toString())
	logInfo("RULES", "kodi player type is: " + kodi_player_type.state.toString())
	var String Kodistate = kodi_player_state.state.toString()
	if(Sunset_Event.state == ON && kodi_no_smart_lights.state == OFF) {
logInfo("RULES", "its after sunset")
logInfo("RULES", "kodi state: " + Kodistate.toLowerCase)
		if (Kodistate.toLowerCase == "stop") {
   		logInfo("RULES", "we have stopped")
    		//reset the proxy switch as we have stopped not paused
    		//look into historicstate for all the light values when the first play started
    		var Number Lounge1_DimmerState = Lounge_3_Dimmer.historicState(time_play_started).state
    		var Number Lounge2_DimmerState = Lounge_6_Dimmer.historicState(time_play_started).state
    		var Number Kitchen1_DimmerState = Kitchen1_Dimmer.historicState(time_play_started).state
    		var Number Kitchen2_DimmerState = Kitchen2_Dimmer.historicState(time_play_started).state
			var HSBType LIFX_LoungeState = Lifx_Lounge.historicState(time_play_started).state
			logInfo("RULES", "historic state done")
    		//turn on all the lights back to the value they were when play started				
    		if(Lounge1_DimmerState > 0) {
    		if(Lounge2_DimmerState > 0) {
    		if(Kitchen1_DimmerState > 0) {
    		if(Kitchen2_DimmerState > 0) {
    		//LIFX bulbs
    		logInfo("RULES", "kodi is stopped so lights should be on as they were")
    		logInfo("RULES", "kodi is playing:" + kodi_is_playing.state.toString())
		//sleep loop until player type is updated (without this there are null errors)
		while(kodi_player_type.state.toString == "") {
		//check for TV, Movies, or other such as youtube, TenPlay ABC Iview etc)
		var String KodiPlayerState = kodi_player_type.state.toString()
		if(KodiPlayerState.toLowerCase == "episode" || KodiPlayerState.toLowerCase == "movie" || KodiPlayerState.toLowerCase == "unknown") {
			logInfo("RULES", "Kodi State: " + Kodistate)
			logInfo("RULES", "Kodi is playing: " + kodi_is_playing.state.toString())
			switch (Kodistate.toLowerCase) {
		    	case "play" :  {
					//check if this is the first time play pressed with a proxy switch
					if (kodi_is_playing.state == OFF) {
						//record the time to use in historicState
						time_play_started = now
						//set the proxy switch as this is the first time

						logInfo("RULES", "kodi is playing set to on so this is the first time")
					//turn off all the desired lights
					//dim LIFX based on scene
					var hue = new DecimalType(242.9993133544921875)
					var sat = new PercentType(100)
					var bri = new PercentType(23)
					var HSBType kodiplay = new HSBType(hue,sat,bri)
					logInfo("RULES", "all lights off")	
    			case "pause" : {
    				//look into historicstate for all the light values when the first play started
    				//var Number LoungeLamp_DimmerState = Lounge_Lamp_Dimmer.historicState(time_play_started).state
    				var Number Lounge1_DimmerState = Lounge_3_Dimmer.historicState(time_play_started).state
    				var Number Lounge2_DimmerState = Lounge_6_Dimmer.historicState(time_play_started).state
    				var Number Kitchen1_DimmerState = Kitchen1_Dimmer.historicState(time_play_started).state
    				var Number Kitchen2_DimmerState = Kitchen2_Dimmer.historicState(time_play_started).state
    				//turn on specific lights to a low light only if they were already on when play started
				var hue = new DecimalType(242.9993133544921875)
				var sat = new PercentType(100)
				var bri = new PercentType(100)
				var HSBType kodipause = new HSBType(hue,sat,bri)
    				logInfo("RULES", "kodi is paused so lights should be on dim")
    				//kodi_notification.postUpdate("lights should be dim")