Kodi Thumbnail change

i want to create a change one the Kodi Thumbnail,

If the KodiMediaCenter_MediaType typ change to episode , i need a other size.
I have in the css 3 size.
cov, cover and musi.

But is dosnt work.
Anyone can help me?

      <div class="widget" ng-if="(itemValue(KodiMediaCenter_MediaType)=='episode'">
     		<div class="cov" ng-style="{'background-image': 'url(' + itemValue('KodiMediaCenter_Thumbnail') + ')'}"></div>
      <div class="widget" ng-if="itemValue(KodiMediaCenter_MediaType)=='movie'">
           	<div class="cover" ng-style="{'background-image': 'url(' + itemValue('KodiMediaCenter_Thumbnail') + ')'}"></div>
      <div class="widget" ng-if="itemValue(KodiMediaCenter_MediaType)=='song'">
     		<div class="musi" ng-style="{'background-image': 'url(' + itemValue('KodiMediaCenter_Thumbnail') + ')'}"></div>


Anyone a Idea?