LGWebOS Binding (for LG WebOS TVs)

not desired behavior. but this is either a config issue with your item or TV does not respond to WOL message. the lgwebos binding is not handling this, but the wol binding has to.

I am experiencing the same issue.

@Tobi77 @JimT

I think the issue is that the binding has not detected that the TV went offline, which seems to occur only with a delay on certain models. this issue has been reported before.

have you tried flipping the power switch in OH manually to off and then turn it on again to invoke WOL?

@sprehn, I saw the WOL being sent (based on karaf log, not based on sniffing the wire). It is just that the TV doesn’t seem to wake up. The TV is set to wake up though based on the TV settings, afaik.

the issue with detecting that the TV is off is: from a network perspective it is not offline yet.
(only screen is dark).

May be the problem here as well…

Just to confirm: For me it works on a 55C8 with the latest binding. I can turn on and off via the binding and WoL

Update, the problem with my WOL was on my end. I recently changed my subnet from /24 to /16 and didn’t update my WOL broadcast address. After changing the address from to, WOL started working again.

I noticed that when I turned the TV off using the TV remote, the binding didn’t report that the TV is off. I currently have a rule that detects when the Application changed from something to an empty string “” it would post an update to the TV Power item to OFF.

Another issue I’m having is the “channel” channel, like so:

String LivingRoom_TV_Channel 	"Channel [%S]"      { channel="lgwebos:WebOSTV:living:channel" }

It is showing the same content as the “channelName” channel.
This is what’s in the log:

12:19:09.826 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - LivingRoom_TV_Channel changed from ABC ME to 24
12:19:09.830 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - LivingRoom_TV_ChannelName changed from ABC ME to ABC NEWS
12:19:09.831 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - LivingRoom_TV_Channel changed from 24 to ABC NEWS

@sprehn - is this a bug? I am using 2.5.0 release

Hi Sebastian,

We are developing an html/js based webos hosted app. I would like to know if there is any provision to do SSL pinning in a WebOS app for LG TV? It would be of very helpful if you could provide an answer.

Deepak PK

Hi Deepak,
unfortunately, I have no experience with app development within WebOS.
Kind Regards

I think you are right…looks like a bug

actually I cannot reproduce it, I checked it on my system and it works as expected.
also the code does not contain obvious bugs…

there are two channels.
lgwebos:WebOSTV:xyz:channel // number (also a string)
lgwebos:WebOSTV:xyz:channelName // name

was thinking about the same, but never tried it.
It may not work in all cases, but for controlled shutdown (so for most cases), it probably does.

ok thanks sebastian. do you know anyone in the community who does work on webos lg tv development?


I have following .things file
Thing lgwebos:WebOSTV:lg60 “LG60” [ host=“”, key=“8889d878-7389-0244-d7fb-73bc3a747239” ]
Thing lgwebos:WebOSTV:lg42 “LG42” [ host=“”, key=“b9b724eb-5dd3-1c3e-ffa7-3726b6ae894e” ]
Thing lgwebos:WebOSTV:lg65 “LG65” [ host=“”, key=“6fe086be-9ae5-6e48-8ef7-5185c648abb7” ]

info:key was updated from paper UI

ISSUE: after migration to new OH 2.5 and new WebOs binding 2.5 every restart of OpenHub involve NEW pairing requirements :frowning:

[INFO ] [ome.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘lgwebos:WebOSTV:lg60’ changed from ONLINE: Registering - You may need to confirm pairing on TV. to OFFLINE: TV is off


[INFO ] [ome.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘lgwebos:WebOSTV:lg60’ changed from ONLINE: Registering - You may need to confirm pairing on TV. to ONLINE: Connected

Could you check this issue? I have webos 2.5, 4, and 4.5 and issues exists on every TV

BTW: getActions don’t work also (but I am not using this, just tested)

could it be that you copied the deviceId? the access key does not contain "-"s.
on paper ui, press the edit button on your thing. you should see Host and Access Key. Copy the Access Key value.

Thank you very much - it was my mistake.
Again - very good work Sebastian!

For your information:
internal names of LG apps are changing with WebOS
for example:
com.webos.app.tvguide -> webos up to 4.0
com.webos.app.livemenu ->webos > 4

so working getActions could be great asset…

there is an action for it: List getApplications()
see LG webOS - Bindings | openHAB

Thank you
Looks like getActions is working after loooonger period from starting my TV…
this command:

generate WARNING:
15:35:34.127 [WARN ] [ebos.internal.handler.LGWebOSTVSocket] - Error while processing message: {“type”:“response”,“id”:63,“payload”:{“returnValue”:true}} - in response to request: ServiceCommand [type=request, target=ssap://system.launcher/open, payload={“target”:“”}] - Error Message: null

but TV is opening browser without problems…

yes, this bug was fixed with https://github.com/openhab/openhab-addons/pull/6585