Light Timer

Hi all, is there any solution for light timer ? I have room light wich I can turn on and off, and I want to use setpoint item and some timer, I set time in minutes on setpoint item and after the time comes up the lights will shutdown, does anybody done that ? is there any option where I can set time manually ? and, is there any option to stop this timer to prevent shutting down all items that it has to ?

My simple rule is like this :

rule "Light Timer" when Item LightTimerSwitch received command ON then myTimer = createTimer(now.plusMinutes((LightTimer.state as DecimalType).intValue)) [| if(RelayShutter.state == ON) { sendCommand(AudioRelay,OFF) } if(LightShutter.state == ON) { sendCommand(Lights,OFF) } ] end

Your rule should work as intended, maybe you should set a default value in case of uninitialized Item, or perhaps persist and restore on startup this item.
sadly there is no timeset widget yet, so it seems your rule is the best option.
To cancel the timer, you can use myTimer.cancel (ensure to define myTimer as Timer at the very beginning of the rule file)