LightwaveRF Binding Updated

fixed the buttons it now brings the following error.

Having created the buttons i can see on the logs the error shown above so I have tried previous config files (thats the Lw_Baseā€¦) and no change.

there are two switches added which can be triggered from HABPanel but returns the error mentioned above :frowning:


@delid4ve I managed to get my whole house polling on Version 1 now. I cut down the amount of stuff Iā€™m polling for by reducing it to only what I need OpenHAB to be aware of for automation purposes. So Iā€™m only polling for switch status, dimmer level, power and energy for all devices and outlet in use for sockets. I also stopped polling for power and energy for my Gen 1 devices as they donā€™t report it anyway so itā€™s a wasted effort. By doing all that I reduced the number of items in the curl by about a third which let me add my remaining devices in. My response time from LWRF API is down to 7 or 8 seconds and I donā€™t get any structure not found errors at all.


Alex i waited to use the new rules file you sent until i added some more devices, i have now setup using the new rules file and all seems OK except the temp and target temp are not displaying the figures and i see this line in the openlab log

[ng.exec.internal.handler.ExecHandler] - An exception occurred while formatting the command line with the current time and input values : ā€˜Format specifier ā€˜%2$sā€™ā€™

Do you see anything similar in your setup?


Are any of the values updating? DimLevel on your switches etc?

Just checked and If I use the physical switch or lightwave app then Openhab doesnā€™t reflect the current state

Ok, let me check the file, make sure I didnā€™t break anything

Has openhab got permission to run scripts?
I had to add permissions on my system, have a google.
Just waiting on lw to get back to me as was Xmas shutdown, hopefully will be soon.

Yes Iā€™ve been running the V2 version for about 3 months, only changed the rules file to add the thermostat and boiler switch which @xela added recently while also adding a few news devices.

Make sure you havenā€™t changed the json for the feature checking script
It has to be exactly as was, think 1st feature on line 1 with the rest of the argument, then each feature on a new line after that.
If itā€™s ANY different it will not work. Thatā€™s the only part that needs to be formatted exactly as my rule creates it

Still getting this on the log whilst trying to trigger the configuration.

16:58:04.359 [WARN ] [.rest.core.internal.item.ItemResource] - Received HTTP POST request at ā€˜items/Lw_Setupā€™ with an invalid status value ā€˜ā€™.

If i change the value to ON on the switch the following happens

17:42:25.444 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent ] - Item ā€˜Lw_Setupā€™ received command ON

The buttons (setup / update) are created under the /etc/openhab2/items and the rule file has been created on both the /rules/ and /scripts/.

There is no LWR devices showing, any suggestions?

You have put your username / password in at the top and have configured the paths for your system?

yes @delid4ve

Exec binding installed?
Openhab has permissions to run scripts?

The exec binding is installed
and the /etc/script and /etc/rules have been set to chmod 777 at the moment.

So this is when you run the initial setup yes?
I remember someone posting that I forgot to change a couple of the paths to the variables, donā€™t know if I changed it and uploaded the files, have a look down the setup files and look for any hard coded paths.
Sorry not at a pc atm and trying to get issues sorted where Iā€™ve upgraded to 2.5 (Zwave :face_with_raised_eyebrow:)

ok i am running v2.5
should the file be on /etc/openhab2/scripts or /etc/openhab2/rules
just for clarification.

What file?
Lw_Base.rules should be in rules folder

ok thats where it is :slight_smile:

Just looking at my file in my system and itā€™s got hard coded paths where it says //define things file line 64
Have a look and let me know
Donā€™t know if I replaced my system file though from my server

If so replace this block:

//Define Things File
var String RulesFile = 	"Thing exec:command:LwAuth [ command=\\\"%2\\$s\\\", interval=3600,timeout=5, autorun=true ]\r\n" +
		"Thing exec:command:LwGet [ command=\\\"sh " + OpenHabScriptsPath + " %2\\$s\\\", interval=6,timeout=6, autorun=true ]\r\n" +
		"Thing exec:command:LwUpdate_Structures [ command=\\\"sh " + OpenHabScriptsPath + " %2\\$s\\\", interval=0,timeout=1000, autorun=true ]\r\n" +
		"Thing exec:command:LwUpdate_Features [ command=\\\"sh " + OpenHabScriptsPath + " %2\\$s\\\", interval=0,timeout=1000, autorun=true ]\r\n" +
		"Thing exec:command:LwUpdate [ command=\\\"sh " + OpenHabScriptsPath + " %2\\$s\\\", interval=0,timeout=1000, autorun=true ]\r\n"
//Create Things File