Link Items File to Sitemap Dynamically

Hello , will it be possible to “link” a .items file directly to a sitemap?

I am setting up a security page for openhab and would like to dynamically update the Sitemap when in add a new zone.

What I am doing is creating a .txt file in node red with the state of the each zone (Arm/Disarm) then when the zone gets triggered it will check if it is armed or disarmed and act accordingly. So far I can create the file , mqtt topic as well as the sec.items file. The moment I add a new zone in Node red it will update the sec.items file with the new zone as only the security zones is in the items files it is quite easy but now I would like the site map to update automatically when the items file is updated.
Hope it makes sense.

Best reghards

You are going to have to do the same for the sitemap file too.
It’s a simple text file so adding items shouldn’t be too difficult.
It looks like you are already doing text file editing with node-red.

I also thought of that but I am a bit wary of making changes to the site map through node red.
So far I figured that you can use groups and then link the group in your site map.It will update then but in alphabetical order.