List Item Widget - Analyzer questions

Hi everybody, i have a group that displays the state of windows and doors like this:

I have configured the list item widget in such a way that the analyzer of the item pops up.
But in order to do that, i need to configure the list item widget like this:

I’m wondering if I have to select the item itself again (as i am configuring the metadata of an item). Is there a possibility to select “analyze the item i am configring right now” instead of adding the item again?

The analyzer action will not default to any particular item name, if that is what you are asking. So, yes, your widget has to provide some value.

However, if you already have a item prop, then you can just use that in the analyzer item config instead of creating a new prop for it.

Thanks. I don’t have item props, since i’m only changing default list widget for an item.
And the item itself isn’t directly configured in the widget, only the group which then will pop up when I click on my widget.

I was just curious, as I simply change the default list item widget of a specific item.
Which means i’m already in the context of this item but additionally i have to select this item again for the analyzer. But it’s not a big deal :wink: