LOG INFO: Try to restore connection to IP & Starting MQTT broker connection every 60 seconds in LOG

I had the same issue but I’ve solved it.

The problem was from the fact that I created the bridge in the graphical interface and the things in the configuration file (".things"). Which resulted in double upset of the bridge. So I deleted the bridge in the GUI and added the bridge’s parameters in the configuration file.

Bridge mqtt:broker:1111111 “MQTT_bridge” [ host=“”, port=“1883”, secure=“false”, username=“user”, password=“secret”, qos=“2”, lastwill_qos=“2”, keep_alive_time=“10000” ]
Thing topic …

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I solved this issue on an upgraded OH3 installation with a method that was not mentioned above. There were two broker connections. One as a thing/bridge, and the other as a non-removable system connection under settings. The latter was making the errors, and I disabled it by setting Broker Host to blank, instead of

Specifically: OH3 GUI => Settings => Other Services => MQTT system broker connection => clear the field Broker Host and Save.


…thank you! I had the same problem. That fixed it!

I was having a similar problem. I noticed these lines spamming my log file…

2024-01-30 06:43:38.265 [INFO ] [.reconnect.PeriodicReconnectStrategy] - Try to restore connection to ''. Next attempt in 10000ms|
2024-01-30 06:43:38.267 [INFO ] [.transport.mqtt.MqttBrokerConnection] - Starting MQTT broker connection to '' with clientid 31F7042450214790|

Took me ages to work it out… in the end I did a recursive search for the IP address in the OpenHAB root folder. Turns out one of my Roombas hadn’t docked properly and was offline! :rofl: