agree w @guessed re the import.
I use multiple logs for different zones in my house.
So I have defined both an appender and a logger for each of those. For brevity, only a couple of examples.
The appender sets the log file name, entry formatting and retention policy.
Note that the logger references a specific appender to do its work and says to which (very loosely speaking)
openhab logging “domain” the logger applies.
In my case the “modules” are the log references files for each of the rooms in question. I.e,
see below for complete entry org.openhab.model.script.KITCHEN org.openhab.model.script.LIVING
In my kitchen rules file, I write debug messages to the kitchen.log file (spec’d in the appender), like so:
logDebug("KITCHEN","message I want in the log")
Similarly in my living room pertinent rules:
logDebug("LIVING","message I want in the log")
Less intense logging levels appear in the kitchen.log also (ie logError () logInfo() )
Here are the complete entries from my logback_debug.xml file for kitchen and living room logging.
.... ${openhab.logdir:-logs}/kitchen.log ${openhab.logdir:-logs}/rulelog-%d{yyyy-ww} 30 %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} - %-5level %logger{30}[:%line]- %msg%n ${openhab.logdir:-logs}/living.log ${openhab.logdir:-logs}/rulelog-%d{yyyy-ww} 30 %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} - %-5level %logger{30}[:%line]- %msg%n ...
Hope this helps.