Loginfo with the right Value

Hello i have the follow Rule

rule “Wasserverbrauch Tag”
Item Wasserverbrauch changed
//Time cron “0 0/1 * 1/1 * ? *”
//Time cron “0 0 0 ? * * *”
var d1 = (Wasserverbrauch.deltaSince(now.withTimeAtStartOfDay)) as Number

logInfo("Wasserverbrauch", "Aktueller Wasserverbrauch m³: "+ d1) //.toString

postUpdate(Wasserverbrauch_Tag, d1)
Wasser_Kosten_Tag.postUpdate(Wasserverbrauch_Tag.state as DecimalType * 4.0335)


I want see the loginfo like this Aktueller Wasserverbrauch m³ : 0.726 but now i see the follow log

[arthome.model.script.Wasserverbrauch] - Aktueller Verbrauch m³: 0.72601318359375

How can i transform to the right value.

Thanks a lot !

You’d use the Java formatter String::format()

Curious why you would bother for a log.