Loop through all members in a group with OH2

More debugging, it seems like the rule does not run for some reason:

22:16:26.814 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent ] - Item ‘Scene_LivingRoom2’ received command 3
22:16:26.910 [INFO ] [marthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Scene_LivingRoom2 changed from 4 to 3

Because no infor is written to the karaf console:

@rich I also tried to cast the hsbValue to string to a new variable called hsb without succsess:

////////////// Switch the different areas where LED-Lights should be switched on/off ////////////////7////////////

rule "Change Scene 2 in Living Room"
	Item Scene_LivingRoom2 received command
	Group_Light.members.forEach [s | logInfo("Debug", s.name + " equals " + s.state.toString)]
	val hsb = hsbValue.toString
	//logInfo("Debug", "hsbValue equals change group " + hsbValue.toString)
	//Group_Light.members.forEach [s | logInfo("Debug", s.name + " equals " + s.state.toString)]
	//Group_Light.members.forEach[s | s.sendCommand(OFF)]
	if (receivedCommand==1) {
			Group_Tv.members.forEach [ item | 

	if (receivedCommand==2) {
		Group_Dinner.members.forEach [ item | 
	//Switch on just bar
	if (receivedCommand==3) {
		Group_DMX_LivingRoom.members.filter( s | s.state.toString != "0,0,0").forEach [ item | 
			item.sendCommand(HSBType::fromRGB(0, 0, 0))
		Group_DMX_LivingRoom.members.forEach [ item | 
			logInfo("Info", "Turning off " + item.name) 
		Group_DMX_Bar.members.forEach [ item | 
			logInfo("Info", "Turning on " + item.name)

	//Switch OFF
	if (receivedCommand==4) {
		Group_DMX_LivingRoom.members.filter( s | s.state != "0,0,0").forEach [ item | 
			//item.sendCommand(HSBType::fromRGB(0, 0, 0))