Loxone discovery on openhab 3 not working

After migrating to openhab 3, I found that although loxone seems to be connected, the items were not automatically created and voice control from google assistant was no longer working. (Habpanel was displaying nothing and I double checked using the openhab console to see if there was a list of items created).
I removed the migrated loxone binding and re-added. I tried scanning, this did not work. It seems it can be configured and created manually but not by scanning.
Anybody have any ideas? I’m happy and probably will get my hands dirty with looking at the loxone binding code later.

It might be a bit different than before, but for me it worked out of the box. You have to click the miniserver binding and click ‘channel’ on top, where you will find all your channels which you then can link to items.

Thanks Steven.

I did actually manage to figure it out. I clicked on the channels and linked them to the equipment. This then appeared on the equipment tab on a page.

Discovery still doesn’t work, you have to add the ip address manually. From a migration perspective it was fine the config worked, but if you delete the thing and hit scan, it doesn’t appear. I debugged the discovery and it detected other upnp services but not loxone. I don’t know if it’s something in loxone after the 11 upgrade.

I was trying to get the thermostat working with Google but realised I have to create 3 to 5 different items with certain tags. For one room it would be OK, but if you have lots, it’s too tedious to do it manually. First though I have to get one room working and then will look at automating it.

I now seem to have a similar issue, where my items don’t propagate to Google anymore. Could you share an example config for a switch or a light? Seems the Lighting and Switchable tag aren’t being picked up anymore.

You have to relogin to openhab via Google assistant.
Note, the tags are in the meta data part of the item. You have to request this separately in the rest request if you want to see it.

In addition, I keep having this intermittent issue where something stops working. At first, I thought it was between Google and openhab but I also noticed that if I try to switch on and off via the openhab UI then it appears in the log but nothing happens in loxone.
There is no disconnection, and no other log items.
I then tried to disable and re-enable the loxone binding, but it remains stuck in initialise. In the logs, you can see the temperature update callbacks.

Restarting openhab solves this issue, but so far I have to do it at least once every other day.

Hello, How did u get the channels to be discovered?
Ive added the miniserver and it sais online. But under channels i see nothing but the message that they cant be discovered and might be added later.
Do these have to be added manually and if so is it possible via the paper UI?

Sync my device

Apologies, didn’t see this message. Assuming you have it working down. My instance of openhab has been down for a while and only just yesterday reinstall ed 3.2.
The loxone binding appears under the thing inbox, but it took a bit of clicking around and eventually the channels do appear.
I’m now trying to get myopenhab and then Google assistant to work.