[Main UI] echarts gauge and pie POC

Hey! Glad you like it! Pie support was not added since, as also @ysc mentioned, I did not see a direct need for it so I did not include it. But in order to add support, just a single import needs to be added …

I tried adding it and it adds ~5000 bytes to resulting jar

3.998.791 bytes vs. 4.003.852 bytes

With pie included and a bit modified yaml

- component: oh-chart
    height: 450px
      - component: oh-data-series
          type: pie
            - 0
            - 30%
          selectedMode: single
            position: inner
            fontSize: 14
            - value: =Number.parseInt(items.gBasement_BoilerRoom_HP_DHW_InOperation_HP.state)
              selected: true
              name: DHW
            - value: =Number.parseInt(items.gBasement_BoilerRoom_HP_RAD_InOperation_HP.state)
              name: HEATING
      - component: oh-data-series
          type: pie
            - 45%
            - 60%
            - value: =Number.parseInt(items.gBasement_BoilerRoom_HP_DHW_InOperation_HP.state)
              name: DHW HP
            - value: =Number.parseInt(items.gBasement_BoilerRoom_HP_DHW_InOperation_AddHeat.state)
              name: DHW ADD
            - value: =Number.parseInt(items.gBasement_BoilerRoom_HP_RAD_InOperation_HP.state)
              name: HEATING HP
            - value: =Number.parseInt(items.gBasement_BoilerRoom_HP_RAD_InOperation_AddHeat.state)
              name: HEATING ADD
            formatter: "  {b|{b}: }{c}h  {per|{d}%}  "
            backgroundColor: "#eee"
            borderColor: "#aaa"
            borderWidth: 1
            borderRadius: 4
                fontSize: 16
                lineHeight: 33
                color: "#eee"
                backgroundColor: "#334455"
                  - 3
                  - 4
                borderRadius: 4

we get

Please let me know what you think …

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No problem to add it as well, I checked the gauge before merging, it was also a ~10kB overhead. We don’t want to add everything but pies make sense now that we have a 1-dimensional series component.


Added PR - support for pie.

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Wow! I think pies make sense for sure!
Of course I am a data lover and can’t get enough, but I can see pie charts have a real application for their broad user community.
I’m thinking of:

  • Home vs. Away
  • Heating vs. None vs. Cooling
  • Energy statistics for PV
    … And so on.

Thank you so much for adding it!

Hey @crnjan

thanks for your work and the possibility using some powerful charting features inside of widgets.

I tried to dive into the documentation today and slowly getting a felling of the very extensive customization options. But one thing I couldn’t find a hint for in the docs is, how to get rid of the floating menu popup for the date selection in the top-right?

Is it possible to disable this element?


Totally forgot to mention this, thank you for the reminder. There is a periodVisible parameter you can use:

- component: oh-chart
    periodVisible: false

should do the trick. If not specified, it will default to false if you use oh-data-series and true for others.

It’s a custom property, not related to ECharts so sorry for not mentioning it before.

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Is it already possible to add a “oh-chart” (line chart) component to a widget in OH 3.0.1 ?
If yes, can someone tell me how? Cause it’s not working with my thermostat widget :upside_down_face:

This will be part of 3.1 release - you can use 3.1 snapshot version if you want to try it out (@BobMiles latest snapshot 2169 also includes pie support).

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Thx, the Gauge are now working with the examples above.
But i don’t get the line charts working in a widget…

widget code
uid: ChartTestWidget
    - context: item
      description: Set an item which you want to control
      label: Item
      name: item
      required: true
      type: TEXT
  parameterGroups: []
tags: []
component: f7-card
  title: Test Chart
    - component: oh-chart
          - component: oh-serie
                type: line
                areaStyle: {}
                - component: oh-chart-grid
                  config: {}
                - component: oh-time-axis
                    gridIndex: 0
                - component: oh-value-axis
                    gridIndex: 0
                - component: oh-time-series
                    name: Test
                    gridIndex: 0
                    xAxisIndex: 0
                    yAxisIndex: 0
                    type: line
                    item: props.item
                - component: oh-chart-legend
                    show: true
                    orient: horizontal
                    bottom: "8"
widget pic

Theres the = missing at the item prop inside the ‘oh-time-series’, so no item gets selected.

There are a couple of issues with your yaml (i.e. there is no oh-serie), something like below should give you a line chart:

uid: ChartTestWidget
    - context: item
      description: Set an item which you want to control
      label: Item
      name: item
      required: true
      type: TEXT
  parameterGroups: []
tags: []
component: f7-card
  title: Test Chart
    - component: oh-chart
        periodVisible: false
        height: 300px
          - component: oh-chart-grid
            config: {}
          - component: oh-time-axis
              gridIndex: 0
          - component: oh-value-axis
              gridIndex: 0
          - component: oh-time-series
              name: Outdoor
              gridIndex: 0
              xAxisIndex: 0
              yAxisIndex: 0
              type: line
              item: gBasement_BoilerRoom_HP_Outdoor
          - component: oh-chart-legend
              show: true
              orient: horizontal
              bottom: "8"

There is currently one limitation - oh-time-series properties are not evaluated, meaning you cannot do

 item: =props.item

but only specifying explicit item will work. I guess it makes sense to support this use case too, specially in the context of custom widgets …

Awesome, now it’s working :smile:
Thank you very much

Is there already Git issue for this? Or should i create one?

Hey again @crnjan

Thanks for your quick answer and the easy trick. :wink:

This would be very helpful to have, yes!

Some things I recognized while fiddling around with the ECharts:

  • Line charts (and maybe other chart types) will set its own background in dark mode, instead of being transparent as in light mode - so that custom styling on the enclosing component gets hidden behind.

  • You mentioned it already, but there are some missing components & props within the inline help (like oh-chart-title, oh-chart-toolbox, oh-chart-tooltip and maybe more…)

  • Somehow connected to the above point - it’s hard to abstract the configuration of the charts from the ECharts example page to the YAML configuration in OH.

    Understanding what is a component and what is a setting took me some time and I’m still struggling on some of them…

    Example #1: Assigning a background gradient to a line-chart.

    • How would I translate this part
      new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
      to usable YAML?

      See full ECharts example (linear gradient)
         areaStyle: {
             color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
                 offset: 0,
                 color: 'rgb(255, 158, 68)'
             }, {
                 offset: 1,
                 color: 'rgb(255, 70, 131)'
    • Or is it even necessary to work with these custom echart graphic classes (if this is the right term here…)?

    Example #2: Changing the timestamp-format in the tooltip.

    • I couldn’t find anything obvious about changing the tooltip-timestamp to a local format (like dd. MM yyyy) in the docs - a google search brought me to this function (which don’t work):

      Example changing timestamp in a tootltip (via google search)
        tooltip: {
         trigger: 'axis',
         formatter: function(params) {
             params = params[0];
             var chartdate = echarts.format.formatTime('dd-MM-yyyy', params.value[0]);
             var val = '<li style="list-style:none">' + params.marker +
                 params.seriesName + '&nbsp;&nbsp;' + params.value[1] + '</li>';
             return chartdate + val;
    • I could imagine that executing js functions isn’t allowed for security reasons?! Or did I miss anything here?

  • I think adding the single axis (timeline)-chart could also be helpful in the future, to achieve something like the BasicUI timeline inside the MainUI without have to fiddle something similar with f7-components:
    See → Timeline for Basic UI - #15 by Mihai_Badea

    The single axis type, looks like it would fit that use-case?!

Maybe you’ll find time give me some advice here or at least use this for future development of the implementation. :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Quick feedback - ECharts set some blueish background when in dark mode and we override it with

chartConfig.backgroundColor = '#121212'

so following same paradigm … That said, you can always override it

- component: oh-chart
      backgroundColor: transparent

not sure if it would make sense to set it to transparent by default …

I also prepared a PR that should enable binding like

 item: =props.item

Will try to add feedback for other questions too …



            type: linear
            x: 0
            y: 0
            x2: 0
            y2: 1
              - offset: 0
                color: red
              - offset: 1
                color: blue
            global: false


I’m on 3.1 snapshot now, too, and testing around.

One big issue for me: On my android devices the charts are not displayed, neither the chart pages nor the chart widgets.
It will show the legend, the min/max balloons, the points, but not the bars or the lines of the series.

On my PC it works just fine. Any ideas?

Thank you so much!

Similar behaviour here.

The chart isn’t displayed correctly on my Andorid device (Android 8.0.0 on Samsung Galaxy S8)

I tried to look at the used datapoints and it seems, that somehow not all of the available datapoints can be accessed on mobile (and returns null) - on Desktop all of these datapoints are available.

image image

image image

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Hi Rainer,

can I ask you which browser you tried with? I’m on chrome, if you’re using chrome too i’ll try out some other browsers!

Edit: It is working in the Android openhab beta app…

Hey! I have been using/testing with Safari and Chrome from both laptop and iPhone and did not notice any problems - however, based on your feedback did try to access OH through https://home.myopenhab.org/... and while it renders perfectly fine on my laptop (both Safari and Chrome), it does not seem to render i.e. gauge on my iPhone (again, in both Safari and Chrome) - will check what is going on, but first will upgrade to a more recent snapshot since I’m still on #2155 … but don’t think this will change anything. Small hint, you can always upgrade MainUI using

bundle:update org.openhab.ui https://ci.openhab.org/job/openHAB-WebUI/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/bundles/org.openhab.ui/target/org.openhab.ui-3.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Executing above command (if running OH 3.1) or upgrading to the latest snapshot should give the ability to bind oh-time-series:

item: =props.item
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Just checked why gauge would not work on my iPhone - and seen that js files did not yet contain the new additions - so cleared browser cache + did a purge cache in the about section - now everything loads in both Safari and Chrome on my iPhone too.