Main UI If-Else on One Line in Widget

Hello all,

I try to programm a Widget for my Main UI in OH3.4. For this I need a nested if else declaration. Here is my YAML

component: oh-label-card
  header: Active scene
  icon: f7:sunrise
  title: Active scene
  footer: "=items.number_openhaboperatingmodus_dayphase.state === 0 ? 'Sunrise' : ( items.number_openhaboperatingmodus_dayphase.state === 1 ? 'Morning' : ( items.number_openhaboperatingmodus_dayphase.state === 2 ? 'Day' : ( items.number_openhaboperatingmodus_dayphase.state === 3 ? 'Sunset' : ( items.number_openhaboperatingmodus_dayphase.state === 4 ? 'Evening' : 'ndf'))))"
  on: true
  color: yellow
  action: command
  actionItem: Scene_General
  actionCommand: "0"
slots: null

But it always shows “ndf” at the end. Is there anything I done wrong?

Thanks for the help

What is the TYPE of your item? Maybe you need to compare to a string (“0”)?

Here is my item description:

Number:Dimensionless			number_openhaboperatingmodus_dayphase		"[%d]"

I changed my YAML according openhab doc to

footer: "= (items.number_openhaboperatingmodus_dayphase.state === 0) ? 'Sunrise' : (items.number_openhaboperatingmodus_dayphase.state === 1) ? 'Morning' : (items.number_openhaboperatingmodus_dayphase.state === 2) ? 'Day' : (items.number_openhaboperatingmodus_dayphase.state === 3) ? 'Sunset': (items.number_openhaboperatingmodus_dayphase.state === 4) ? 'Evening' : (items.number_openhaboperatingmodus_dayphase.state === 5) ? 'Night' : 'Not Set'"

Now it shows again ‘Not Set’

If I set the title in my YAML

title: =items.number_openhaboperatingmodus_dayphase.state

is shows me 4

AFAIK state is a string regardless of item’s type, so in your case I guess “4”. You can either parse it to number

Number.parseInt(items.number_openhaboperatingmodus_dayphase.state) === 0

or compare it as a string

items.number_openhaboperatingmodus_dayphase.state === "0"

Beat me to it…

Try it without the strict equality, i.e., use “==” instead of “===”. The triple equal sign requires the two quantities to be of the same type.