Mapping Switch to Push Button OFF after 60sec

Hi everybody,

in my setup i use the DMX Binding to control four Roomlights.

Switch Alles_Aus		"Alles Aus" 	(Lighting, Global, gDashboard)

Switch Saallicht_Aus	"Saallicht Aus" (Lighting, Global, gDashboard)

Switch Kneipe		"Kneipe"			(Lighting, Global, gDashboard)

Switch Alles_An		"Alles 100%"		(Lighting, Global, gDashboard)

/* Lighting */

Switch Fade_In_Fast "Fade In <<<"		(Lighting, Global, gDashboard)	{dmx="CHANNEL[1/4], ON[FADE|5000:  85, 0, 0, 0 :0|5000:   170,  85, 0, 0 :0|5000:   255,   170,  85, 0 :0|5000:   255,   255,   170,  85 :0|5000:   255,   255,   255,   170 :0|5000: 255, 255, 255, 255 :0|]"}

Switch Fade_In_Slow "Fade In <"			(Lighting, Global, gDashboard)	{dmx="CHANNEL[1/4], ON[FADE|10000:  85, 0, 0, 0 :0|10000:   170,  85, 0, 0 :0|10000:   255,   170,  85, 0 :0|10000:   255,   255,   170,  85 :0|10000:   255,   255,   255,   170 :0|10000: 255, 255, 255, 255 :0|]"}

Switch Fade_Out_Slow "Fade Out >"		(Lighting, Global, gDashboard)	{dmx="CHANNEL[1/4], ON[FADE|10000: 170, 255, 255, 255 :0|10000:  85, 170, 255, 255 :0|10000:   0,  85, 170, 255 :0|10000:   0,   0,  85, 170 :0|10000:   0,   0,   0,  85 :0|10000:   0,   0,   0,   0 :0|]"}

Switch Fade_Out_Fast "Fade Out >>>"		(Lighting, Global, gDashboard)	{dmx="CHANNEL[1/4], ON[FADE|5000: 170, 255, 255, 255 :0|5000:  85, 170, 255, 255 :0|5000:   0,  85, 170, 255 :0|5000:   0,   0,  85, 170 :0|5000:   0,   0,   0,  85 :0|5000:   0,   0,   0,   0 :0|]"}

/* DMX Adresse 1-6 auf Dimmer*/

Dimmer Saallicht1	"Spotreihe 1" (Saallicht, Lighting, gDashboard)		{dmx="CHANNEL[1:1000]"}

Dimmer Saallicht2	"Spotreihe 2" (Saallicht, Lighting, gDashboard)		{dmx="CHANNEL[2:1000]"}

Dimmer Saallicht3	"Spotreihe 3" (Saallicht, Lighting, gDashboard)		{dmx="CHANNEL[3:1000]"}

Dimmer Saallicht4	"Spotreihe 4" (Saallicht, Lighting, gDashboard)		{dmx="CHANNEL[4:1000]"} 

So now i want to push one button which set all other buttons to off.

I.e. Switch “All OFF” ON --> Set DMX to 0 and all Buttons to OFF

My rule look like this:

rule "Alles Aus"

		Item Alles_Aus changed from OFF to ON
		postUpdate(Kneipe, OFF)

		postUpdate(Alles_An, OFF)

		postUpdate(Saallicht_Aus, OFF)
		sendCommand(Saallicht1, 0)

		sendCommand(Saallicht2, 0)

		sendCommand(Saallicht3, 0)

		sendCommand(Saallicht4, 0)


That works fine for me, but now i have fadetimes with 30sec and 60sec.

So i need a rule

Fade Out Slow (over 60secs) --> Switch DMX Item Fade 60secs to ON and All other to OFF / AFTER 60 secs set “Fade Out Slow” to OFF an “All off” to ON

Any idea?


Not sure this is of any help, but you can pause your rules for X seconds:

rule "Turn off door relay"
	Item Div_DoorOpener changed from OFF to ON
if (DisableStartupNotifications.state = OFF)
{	DoorTimer = createTimer(now.plusSeconds(6))[|
	sendCommand(Div_DoorOpener, OFF)

If I got it right, you have 4 dmx dimmers at Channel 1 to 4. You also have configured Buttons in openHAB to trigger dmx to fade those dimmers automatically up or down. Then if you want a fadeout, all you have to do is an Fade_Out_Slow.sendCommand(ON) followed by postUpdates for the other Buttons. If this Button should also reset to off at the end of dimming, you could make a rule which triggers if the dimmer has reached 0. This rule would then set the button to off.

Another way to do it would be to set autoupdate=false to the buttons, so the buttons would never be active at all.