Matrix Theme for HABPanel

Re Spotify:

I cleaned up my code and added it here with some instructions:

Great! Many thanks @pmpkk

@pmpkk Nice work! Thanks for sharing!

Fantastic template!

However struggeling to get the SVG icons displayed. All files are at the right place… Also tried the tvAppIcons.svg file you provided, but the icons just arent painted. What am I doing wrong? Any hint? Any chance that you upload your complete template?

1 Like

Did you purchase the icons that are mentioned in first post?

I want to manage the dashboard html directly and not via the habpanel web interface.
Where is the location of the dashboard html files?
Can you provide a file structure example (as requested here) that could then be backed up and restore?

I know that you purchased them.
This post was a question, to @coasting, who had problems with the icons. :slight_smile:

I realized after I hit send :slight_smile:

Hi All,

I have successfully added the themes.css to my HabPanel. pmpkk, thanks again for sharing.

I know pmpkk has bought the custom icons, but I’m trying to add my own custom icons and I cannot figure out what this statement in the original post mean:

  1. Is “svg viewBox = xxxx” is the size of the icon?
  2. What does “/static/button.svg#thermometer” mean? Is the icon name button.svg? if so what does #thermometer mean?
  3. How will the folder structure for this icon look like?
  4. If I can get my custom icons to display, can I also use the smarthome-set (widget-icon iconset=“‘smarthome-set’” icon=“‘temperature’” size=“60”) for some of the other icons?


I’m putting together a tutorial on how to add your own icons to the theme, stay tuned.

In the meantime:

In a single svg file you can have many symbols (or icons). They are accessed via an id. If you open the svg file (for example the tvAppIcons file) you will see the different symbols identified by id. Those ids are the ones after the hashtag.

The view box attribute is used to specify the size of the drawing board in respect to the paths/objects. When displayed in HTML they can be sized by CSS to any size.


I meanwhile managed it. The SVG file(s) need to have a specific structure, as coloring of the SVG icons is done in theme.css by means of STROKE or FILL parameters. Here below is a basic sprite SVG file using some SVG icons from the Smart House Icon Set (Roman Malashkov You can edit the SVG sprites with a editor like Notepad++.

Hope same is of help to others facing the same problem.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
	 viewBox="0 0 48 48" enable-background="new 0 0 48 48" xml:space="preserve">
<symbol id="drop">
		<path d="M4,20 C4,13.7372206 9.31149107,10.9606699 15.0029824,1.68773079 C15.5,1 16.5,1 17.0240493,1.73848329 C22.7239959,11.0422428 28,13.7458429 28,20 C28,26.627417 22.627417,32 16,32 C9.372583,32 4,26.627417 4,20 Z M14.9662304,5.01303063 C12.6849824,7.94803148 7.55258291,15.1489689 7.43611882,15.3380026 C6.44520133,16.9463678 6,18.343598 6,20 C6,25.5228475 10.4771525,30 16,30 C21.5228475,30 26,25.5228475 26,20 C26,18.34381 25.5574243,16.9556938 24.5697394,15.3573542 C24.4844847,15.2193893 19.3264043,7.97081698 17.0502563,5.01835622 C16.4935872,4.29628389 15.5249676,4.2941722 14.9662304,5.01303063 Z M16,27.5447247 C16,28.0447247 15.2619671,28.0225103 14.9257293,27.9794225 C11.3214673,27.5175477 8.46745417,24.6572016 8.01523409,21.0499283 C7.98381871,20.7993338 7.95268975,20 8.45268973,20 C8.95268972,20 9.03600925,21.1280442 9.03600925,21.1280442 C9.50185782,24.1265527 11.8708617,26.4955566 14.8693702,26.9614051 C14.8693702,26.9614051 16,27.0447247 16,27.5447247z">
<symbol id="power">
		<path d="M16,32 C24.836556,32 32,24.836556 32,16 C32,7.163444 24.836556,0 16,0 C7.163444,0 0,7.163444 0,16 C0,24.836556 7.163444,32 16,32 L16,32 Z M16,30 C8.2680135,30 2,23.7319865 2,16 C2,8.2680135 8.2680135,2 16,2 C23.7319865,2 30,8.2680135 30,16 C30,23.7319865 23.7319865,30 16,30 L16,30 Z M12.2575393,17.7112593 L12.1868707,17.7112593 C11.0779698,17.7112593 10.6478221,16.9467914 11.2212184,16.0037726 L16.4805582,7.35415962 C17.67876,5.38357359 18.0624739,5.55948915 17.3376772,7.746963 L15.7252918,12.6132252 C15.3772095,13.6637556 15.9942825,14.5048291 17.0992511,14.5048291 L20.1977772,14.5048291 L20.1846183,14.5177121 L20.2552868,14.5177121 C21.3641878,14.5177121 21.7943355,15.2821799 21.2209392,16.2251988 L16.1844844,24.5082506 C14.864477,26.6791606 14.4411534,26.4839632 15.241777,24.0676402 L16.7168658,19.6157462 C17.0649481,18.5652158 16.447875,17.7241422 15.3429064,17.7241422 L12.2443804,17.7241422 L12.2575393,17.7112593 L12.2575393,17.7112593z">
<symbol id="sun">
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I like also the glowing battery icon you did.
Any hint how that one can be done

@pmpkk, I got stucked at step 5.
I did first 4 steps completed successfully. Then how to move it further.
Give the client id and secret to OpenHab
Save the Client ID to spotify_client_id in OpenHab (e.g. through openhab CLI smarthome:update spotify_client_id {your_id})
Copy the Client Secret to spotify_client_secret in OpenHab (e.g. through the rest API)
Here how to give Client ID to spotify_client_id and Client Secret to spotify_client_secret in openhab.
Please guide me how to move forward it.

1 Word:

Waauw !

now an interface for the app like this :wink:

3 options:

1, use REST UI:

Make sure you have the REST UI installed (it’s an add-on), then go to the REST UI, and set the state:


3, use CLI (command line interface):

command is:

smarthome:update spotify_client_id {your_id}

Hope this helps!


The theme is responsive so it looks great on my phone :slight_smile:

I uploaded a new version of the theme into GitHub with detailed instructions on how to install, create the SVGs, etc.:

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions or suggestions for improvements!


@pmpkk Thanks a lot Patrick! i appreciate the time and effort!..
Cheers from Colombia!

Hey Patrick,

i really like your theme.

I want to integrate the svg icons from here:

But to be honest: svg is yet not my friend. Could you give me a little advice how to embed this icons?


Sorry for the noobs question, but your guide says:

7. Test in SSH
* Set the REDIRECT_URI in to the right value
* Run this in terminal /usr/bin/python /etc/openhab2/scripts/

How do I find my REDIRECT_URI?

Thanks so much for sharing! :slight_smile: