Matrix Theme for HABPanel

Hello everybody,

I added a little update. Technology? Very simple, a window contact in the mailbox. If this is triggered, I get in my header an information that has become something in the mailbox.

The problem: You can’t quit it in the header. So I adjusted the icon on every dashboard. So every icon changes as soon as the mailbox has been opened. By clicking on the icon, the information can be confirmed and the icon will again be the normal for the corresponding dashboard.

Dashboard with Header-Widget:

Dashboard without Header-Widget:


<div class="section">
<div class="sectionIconContainer">
  <div class="sectionIcon" ng-if="itemValue('flur_bkasten') == 'ON'" ng-click="sendCmd('flur_bkasten', 'OFF')"><svg viewBox="0 0 200 200"><use xlink:href="/static/matrix-theme/squidink.svg#briefja"></use></svg></div>
  <div class="sectionIcon" ng-if="itemValue('flur_bkasten') == 'OFF'"><svg viewBox="0 0 200 200"><use xlink:href="/static/matrix-theme/squidink.svg#stars"></use></svg></div>
rule "Briefkasten - Briefe sind da"
	Item flur_bkasten_state changed to OPEN
    postUpdate(flur_bkasten_countdatetime, new DateTimeType())
    var Number counter
    counter = flur_bkasten_count.state as DecimalType
    counter = counter + 1
	sendCommand(flur_bkasten, ON)
	sendPushoverMessage(pushoverBuilder("[openHAB - Info] Der Postbote war da! Er war um " + flur_bkasten_countdatetime.state + " da."))



Hey there! This would be awesome! Where do you find the index.html file? Ic ant find it anywhere! Thanks

I have the following problem I will not show any lamps and shutters although the items are available.

Was there ever a solution to this, I have the same issue. Might seem that it is related to adding of dimensions to number items. Any help appreciated :slight_smile:

Item definition:

Number:Temperature      Netatmo_Indoor_Temperature    "Temperatur inne [%.1f °C]"           <temperature>  			(GNetatmo,GTempSensor)  {channel = "netatmo:NAMain:xx:xx:Temperature"}

Without the | number

With the | number

I think it might be the bit about the type, try the following.

Number      Netatmo_Indoor_Temperature    "Temperatur inne [%.1f °C]"           <temperature>  			(GNetatmo,GTempSensor)  {channel = "netatmo:NAMain:xx:xx:Temperature"}

Changing it to only be a Number fixes the problem, but don’t I lose some functionality doing it this way? Would have prefered to keep the dimension.

On my system (Ubuntu 16.04) it was located at:


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I’ve never used the Number type before so I have no clue what features you will lose out on. I think I basically manually do any conversion in my setup with rules/items/scripts.But check out this thread about this issue. They talk about it in a bit more detail. It’s a bug that I thought about seeing if I can fix but I’ve got other things on. I think it’s caused by the fact it does the 1 decimal place bit, then converts from say F to C, which causes the decimal places issues. It really should convert from F to C then do the decimal places rounding.

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Has anyone tried to replace the python version of spotify integration, with the new binding from market-place?
Everything is working great, but I’m missing the function to pull down a list of my playlist and devices. The playlist item from the binding is a string, and is working as a drop-down list in paper-ui. How can I achieve the same in habpanel?

Hi Daniel,

Would you be willing to share your entire habpanel code? It seems like you’ve got all the functions well sorted out, And it seems like alot of us in here, are strugglin with alot of small issues and functions. Would be great to have a fully working template to work from.


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Hi Christian,

most of the widgets I have just adapted to the fantastic templates by Patrick. I can send you the widgets. Just write me a PM with your email address.


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i am posting to this board, since it is the one with most responses. I have got an issue with the Mapping in my habpanel:

As you can see, the hardcoded text shows the ä but the itemValue which is maped dosen’t show the ü.

<div class="name">Aktuelle Jähreszeit:</div>
			<div class="valueGroup"><div class="value">{{itemValue('Jahreszeit')}}</div></div>

I have no idea where the problem is.

Please help.

Right, I feel stupid posting this but I’m going mad!

Everything set up / downloaded etc, new dashboard on and widget installed.

I’ve gone into the widget code to change the item for thermometer to my item name and nothing shows up…

I don’t get what I’m missing, is it item name, label or channel I need to add between the brackets next to item value???

I was trying to setup Fonts Awesome 5 to use their icons. I modified the urls at the bottom of the all.css
so they point to /static/Font-Awesome/webfonts for each file it needs. I then copied all the css info from the all.css to the bottom of matrix-theme.css file. I then changed for the System Widget <div class="sectionIconContainer"><div class="sectionIcon"><i class="fas fa-server"></i></div></div> and nothing shows.
Any suggestions

Well, managed to get most of the other bits working so I wasn’t going mad, for some reason it’s just refusing the temperature part.

At least I know I’m doing it right just got to figure out what’s up with that bit…it’s fine on paperui and my own panels so it must be something simple…

Hello Daniel,

I sent you some PM’s but they don’t seem to reach you. I would also like to receive your widgets and CSS files.



Hi Frans,

Sorry, I was not online for a few days. Can you send me your email address.


I am now having the same issue as you with my lights showing the color picker when the page initially loads. Did you figure out a solve for this?

I switched to simple ui since dark mode Looks decent as well.

Hi Christian

Can you also post your items/widget?
