Maven build Error on karaf project in smarthome


I have created a Binding for Foobot devices.
I am able to run the binding in debug mode, configure the binding and add items etc.
but when I am trying to do the mvn clean install on the smarthome project I am getting following errors on karaf project -

Error resolving artifactorg.apache.karaf.features:standard:xml:features:4.0.3:Could not transfer artifact org.apache.karaf.features:standard:xml:features:4.0.3 from/to (http://): Not authorized , ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized.
[WARNING] Error resolving artifactorg.apache.karaf.features:framework:xml:features:4.0.3:Could not transfer artifact org.apache.karaf.features:framework:xml:features:4.0.3 from/to (http://
): Not authorized , ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized. Could not transfer artifact org.apache.karaf.features:standard:xml:features:4.0.3 from/to (http://****): Not authorized , ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized.

Please suggest how to resolve these issues.
I am trying to build from the location - ~/openhab2-master/git/smarthome$

Never take a screenshot of an error message.

I have removed the screenshot.

Resolved the issue by removing my setting.xml file from .m2 folder.