Memory Leak on SNMP binding?

I run oh2 on a Qnap with bindings to homematic, hue, fritzbox, snmp, netupstools and others.
From time to time (aprox once a week) the server stops responding and the logfile contains OutOfMemroy errors.
I tracked this down using the java option -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError and the jmap tool.
Here is the result:

Problem Suspect 1
One instance of “org.snmp4j.Snmp” loaded by “org.openhab.binding.snmp” occupies 615.249.152 (84,94%) bytes. The memory is accumulated in one instance of “java.util.Hashtable$Entry[]” loaded by “”.

Now i disabled the snmp binding, hopefully the error is now gone.
This binding is not essential to my installtion. I used it to check the status the qnap-nas and the hp-printer.

Anyone else have similiar problems with this binding?
…and how/where can i check for a newwer version of the binding?

Thx, Georg from Italy

Getting the same thing, except I’m using SNMP.

Looking at

it talks about calling snmp.cancel() in the listener callback onResponse() or you end up with a memory leak. The openhab binding doesn’t call this method so this might be a smoking gun (or at least for me).

Just submitted bug and solution here: