Migrate influxdb2 to a new server

Hi, I have been trying to migrate my influxdb2 bucket from my old OH4.3.0 to a new OH4.3.0 server. Both NUC’s are running Win11.

I have been trying to follow the instructions on Influxdb web site without any luck.

When typing influx setup --token old_All_access_API_token I get an error message (see screen copy below).

After this I typed:

influx restore d:\backup\22122024\ --bucket openhab -t o_WNfP0trLTUR30E8iNI6sfIM0K_S8MLiGwBagogzU-prB0oRhKolTWwpMRtdwlB9mO9f6-Vqb6szp0w-tqe8Q==

where the token is for the old server. Again an error message.

I’m getting really frustrated so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I guess you’d better ask this in an influx community, as it is not directly openHAB related.

Thanks. Yes, this would be a better solution.

Finally I used brute force technique and copied the .influxdbv2 folder in Users folder to the new server. This solved my problem.