Migration from 1.8.x to 2.0 - My Feedback and Issues

JavaScript is only supported through the JSR233 binding. There is an Experimental Rules addon you can install after enabling Experimental sources in PaperUI. I think that supports JavaScript.

I also think that the JSR233 binding can be installed using the openHAB compatibility layer, but am not sure it completely works.

Watch the following issue on GitHub for progress on enabling authentication. Alternatively yes, use a reverse proxy or my.openhab.

I thought that bug was fixed in the latest build. I haven’t see that error yet.

If you use the 1.9 bindings in OH 2, you can use your existing Items files and Rules almost as is (you may need to remove some imports in your rules files). I am successfully doing this and have documented the procedure here:

Its a work in progress though.


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