Missing z-wave device: POPP keypad

Ah, new to me, including devices over paperUI.
I always did this over the button on the GEN5 stick. :wink:

But seems itā€™s not working perfect for this node.
At one moment, I got it 2 times (node 56 en node 57) after eachother, but not fully recognized.
My stick (secure mode) is set to all devices.
Any tip what I could try next?

The inclusion debug log of the keypad: openhab.log (254.5 KB)

Not sure if this issue is direcly linked with the ā€˜bad inclusionā€™. But when I played around with the parameters of the USB stick (fe low power, high powerā€¦), sometimes my stick ā€˜diedā€™. All my other nodes wonā€™t react anymore. A reboot solved the issue. I could find this in the logs:

2019-02-06 19:40:34.632 [ERROR] [lmessage.RequestNodeInfoMessageClass] - Request node info not placed on stack due to error.
2019-02-06 19:40:34.890 [ERROR] [lmessage.RequestNodeInfoMessageClass] - Request node info not placed on stack due to error.
2019-02-06 19:40:35.148 [ERROR] [lmessage.RequestNodeInfoMessageClass] - Request node info not placed on stack due to error.
2019-02-06 19:40:36.789 [ERROR] [lmessage.RequestNodeInfoMessageClass] - Request node info not placed on stack due to error.

Iā€™m not 100% sure that this is the problem, but there is a timer that is going off, potentially before the inclusion is completed. I am a little sceptical that this is the problem since there is still 15 seconds for the protocol to complete, but maybe for some reason, this device is taking a long time.

I will look at doing an update to stop this and we can see if that helps.

Small updateā€¦

Bought me a new USB Gen5 Stick (UGS3) for testing. And when I install the same version OH (2.5m) on a Linux Mint desktop, I can nicely add the keypad in secure mode. So it worksā€¦ (in this situation).

But when I try to add the keypad on my ā€˜day-to-dayā€™ server, I can only add this node in ā€˜non-secureā€™ mode?

Sometimes I had it found in the inbox, but couldnā€™t get it to initialiseā€¦

2019-02-11 17:11:48.616 [INFO ] [g.discovery.internal.PersistentInbox] - Added new thing 'zwave:device:30038385:node69' to inbox.
2019-02-11 17:11:48.618 [home.event.InboxAddedEvent] - Discovery Result with UID 'zwave:device:30038385:node69' has been added.
2019-02-11 17:11:48.624 [arthome.event.BindingEvent] - org.openhab.binding.zwave.event.BindingEvent@46b2fa1
2019-02-11 17:11:50.855 [arthome.event.BindingEvent] - org.openhab.binding.zwave.event.BindingEvent@3bea9663
2019-02-11 17:11:52.885 [arthome.event.BindingEvent] - org.openhab.binding.zwave.event.BindingEvent@76bdab0a
2019-02-11 17:12:09.847 [me.event.InboxRemovedEvent] - Discovery Result with UID 'zwave:device:30038385:node69' has been removed.
2019-02-11 17:12:09.863 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'zwave:device:30038385:node69' changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING
2019-02-11 17:12:09.865 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'zwave:device:30038385:node69' changed from INITIALIZING to OFFLINE (BRIDGE_OFFLINE): Controller is offline
2019-02-11 17:12:09.865 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'zwave:device:30038385:node69' changed from OFFLINE (BRIDGE_OFFLINE): Controller is offline to OFFLINE: Node not found in Z-Wave network

Maybe some details about this installation?
Itā€™s a virtual Linux Ubuntu machine under proxmox (Hypervisor), and Iā€™ve got 2 USB Gen5 sticks (=UGS1 & UGS2) in this setup. For testing, Iā€™ve disabled the second stick (USG2), this way, I wouldnā€™t get a conflict with the stick (USG1) I need to sync.

On stick USG1, Iā€™ve got now about 65 zwave nodes. About 20 are dummies/ghosts/ā€¦ I really need to clean out once. on stick USG2, about 20 nodes, with about 5 dummies/ghostsā€¦
Iā€™ve also played with the different power levels settings, changed the network keyā€¦ But nothing worked.
I would like to say that itā€™s a problem with the virtualization. But since everything else works, except the secure mode, not sure where to lookā€¦ :disappointed_relieved:

ps not sure if I can add the keypad to my normal stick on the standalone machine, and move this later on towards the day-to-day server? If I just keep the network key on both servers the same? :blush: