You can for example filter all those things using log4j2.xml configuration: Log filtering in OH 3 - #3 by markus7017
Then you would be notified of connection issues via thing status updates. As said, the data and poller things should go offline when there are connection issues.
Can I configure a retry after 1 minute?
I think I might have said things a bit wrong previously. The pollers you have run every x seconds (I assume). On each poll attempt, the binding tries to re-establish the broken connection (as it should!). It is therefore natural to see frequent connection log statements with WARN level when you have connection issues.
What is the poll interval you have configured?
It’s been a while but I think “Time Between Reconnections in UI” still should do the trick. Would be easier that you share the whole thing config, and all modbus logs from 10s interval.