Modbus Data shows no data from Modbus poll

In the log I found regading “Schneid” only

This message you get usually comes from UI where no longer existing items are still referenced.
Can you confirm that the item you configured to be shown in the UI is definitely the one you linked to the channel?

If this is a leftover from previous attempts the UI will for sure only show “NULL” e.g. in a cell.

Sometimes these “orphans” appear when deleting the underlying item but not removing them from the config in the UI.

Suggestion: Remove it from the UI and reassign the item to the place where you display it.
If you are lucky this will be the reason for showing NULL in the UI.

If not: Where exactly are you looking up the value is there/valid?

Maybe checking the channel-item link is a good idea as well.

Did you raise the log level in the Karaf console ?

log:set DEBUG org.openhab.binding.modbus

Hi Holger, fun fact what I found out by accident today (came to late to that idea)… as far you have to Schneid interface in your local network, open the respective IP adress direct in your browser and you geht the up to date registers…

Hi Thomas,
again thanks a lot for your help!

  1. I deleted everything agin so all modubus things and items as well as in all areas like the UI.
  2. Then I created new the bridge / poll and data thing. All three showing green “online”.
  3. In the data thing I linked a item as a number but still with value “Null”…
  4. Checking is Schneid interface delivers data? Yes checked with mbPoll on register 600
    I´m losz here…

Hi Chris,

try the Server TCP Mode of the Schneid Modul, i phoned totay with Schneid, the Modbus TCP Mode currenty in Alpha Test Stadium.

Greetings Holger

Hi Holger, 1. Thanks a lot for this information and 2. Nice that Schneid is not telling that to me. Maybe thats the reason it does not work as expected …

I had the same problem, not same brand but same problem…I just changed the Poll Interval and voilá!