Modbus openHAB2 binding available for alpha testing

Hi @ArC!

It’s a bit hard to read the logs, could you please format all configuration and logs using code formatting: Auto highlighting/formatting on code blocks in posts

Also, it looks like the openhab.log is not from the correct time (ends at 14:35:46, while the events are from 14:35:53) so there’s not much to go on…

This is just a wild guess (correct logs would help!) Please understand that openHAB automatically changes the state of the item when command is received by an item. You can disable this behaviour using autoupdate parameter, refer to openHAB docs:

This could partly explain what’s going on:

Item ‘komfoCurrentModeWrite’ received command 1
komfoCurrentModeWrite changed from 2 to 1  // changed by openhab, since command was received
komfoCurrentModeWrite changed from 1 to 2  // polled value from modbus? (command did not yet have an impact)
komfoCurrentModeWrite changed from 2 to 1  // polled value from modbus updated to new  value?
komfoCurrentModeWrite changed from 1 to 2 // ??
komfoCurrentModeWrite changed from 2 to 1 // ??

Looking at the correct logs tells exactly what is polled from the slave.


EDIT: also interested to hear more about the CPU usage. How much does it increase with the modbus binding? Do you have stats with 1.x binding?