Modbus openHAB2 binding available for alpha testing

Tested your config example just now.

  Bridge poller coils [ start=2, length=4, refresh=5000, type="coil" ] {
        Bridge readwrite DO2 { 
            Thing read readTCP [ start=2, valueType="bit", type="coil" ]
            Thing write writeTCP [ start=6, valueType="bit", type="coil" ]

It didn’t work.

Spent an hour testing different addressing and this is the one that’s working.

Bridge modbus:tcp:endpointTCP [ host="", port=502, id=2 ] {
    Bridge poller coils [ start=2, length=4, refresh=5000, type="coil" ] {
        Bridge readwrite DO2 { 
            Thing read readTCP [ start=0, valueType="bit" ]
            Thing write writeTCP [ start=0, valueType="bit", type="coil" ]
    	Bridge readwrite DO3 { 
            Thing read readTCP [ start=1, valueType="bit" ]
            Thing write writeTCP [ start=1, valueType="bit", type="coil" ]
    	Bridge readwrite DO4 { 
            Thing read readTCP [ start=2, valueType="bit" ]
            Thing write writeTCP [ start=2, valueType="bit", type="coil" ]
    	Bridge readwrite DO5 { 
            Thing read readTCP [ start=3, valueType="bit" ]
            Thing write writeTCP [ start=3, valueType="bit", type="coil" ]

Both read and write are not absolute. Could there be some settings in my S7-1200 that’s messing this up?